Giving Update: Maluvyu Community B

September, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Maluvyu in Keya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Anna Samuel. Thank you!

Giving Update: Maluvyu Community B

Life for Maluvyu community members has never been the same since the sand dam and shallow well water project was constructed in their area a year ago. The sufficient supply of water for this community has made life easier for the community members.

"My children rarely miss school because their school uniforms are always clean and there's always food prepared for them when they get home from school," shared Anna Samuel, a farmer who lives near the project.

Time wasted walking long distances to fetch water is a thing of the past for them. The water table levels have increased due to the dam. It takes only a single pump before lots of water flows from the shallow well.

"It is easier to farm both individually and as a group. Each member has managed to set up a vegetable garden at their homesteads which has also helped in value addition as one can have a variety of meals to feed," said Dominic Muema, the head of the self-help group that supports the water projects.

There is notably less pressure in the management of household duties by the community members. Mrs. Samuel is using the time freed up by the well to make and sell soap in the community.

"I am very grateful for this project in our community, I feel very proud to be associated with it," she said.

Anna Samuel

Hygiene and sanitation levels have improved since the training that was conducted as a part of the water project. The majority of people are keen on maintaining clean latrines in their homesteads to avoid the transmission of diseases.

"The tippy taps that we were taught to construct are of high standards and even non-members have visited my home just to see it and construct similar ones in their homes," Mr. Muema said.

"Hygiene and sanitation levels have improved and a handwashing culture has developed at our homes. My children even constructed a song for washing hands after visiting the toilet."

See The Water Project in Anna Samuel's Community »

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