Water Helps Rose Pay School Fees!

May, 2024

A year ago, your generous donation helped the Muting’ong’o Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Rose. Thank you!

Water Helps Rose Pay School Fees!

Last year, your gift unlocked the potential for a brighter future for the Muting'ong'o Community. Since then, the residents have had clean, reliable water daily. Your contribution has made a significant impact. Thank you for making a difference!

Before the Spring's Protection

Thirty-year-old farmer Rose Joshua Mukhwana recalled what life was like in the Muting'ong'o Community before her community's spring was protected last year.

"[In] previous years, I have experienced many challenges related to water. As a mother of three children, I always ensured that I woke up very early in the morning before other people [would] fetch water, and this to me was to avoid overcrowding, to ensure that water didn't get contaminated due to [the] frequent fetching of water," said Rose.

The spring before protection.

After the Spring's Protection

Collecting water is now simpler and safer for Rose and the other community members in Muting'ong'o.

"Great changes have occurred to me. I no longer strain looking for water, in fact I spend more time doing my normal farming activities without any complications on my body," continued Rose.

"Collecting water is faster and easier now compared to [in] the past. No more queuing the line at the water point. I can collect several containers at a time without spending much time. [When] living with clean water life becomes easier and healthier, it also gives peace of mind and no more struggles," said Rose.

Having ready access to water from the spring has made a difference for Rose, allowing her to save her time and energy to focus on improving the future.

"Last year was a year of great change. I have grown in [milk] production. I used to milk one cup, but after improving their (cows') hygiene, I saw changes in terms of production and also health-wise. This has enabled me to supply enough milk to [the] school, which helps me in paying school fees," said Rose.

See The Water Project in Rose's Community »

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