In Southland, New Zealand we take water for granted, when others are in drought we bemoan the amount of rain. We turn on a tap and clean water gushes out allowing us to quench our thirst, cook, wash the dishes and ourselves, without walking any amount of k's. This is not the case for many African countries where children walk half a day to fill their water container and worse the water is often dirty. Can you believe that in this day and age where all OUR kids have mobile devices some kids don't even have water!!!
I don't want my children or anyone else's to drink dirty water so I thought I would try help out in some small way and I am hoping you will too.
The Water Project does a great job...they dig the wells all we have to do is give a little towards the costs.
I am going to give a little and would be grateful if you would too.
Donated $140.25 on 03/14/19