Water is a necessity people in developed countries take for granted. The average American is estimated to use 80-100 gallons per day. But, it's a different story in Sierra Leone. The life expectancy for the average Sierra Leonean is 56 years. Can you even imagine what that would be like? For most, the answer is no. The most effective solution to this tragic problem is to install clean water pumps in Sierra Leone. The water pollution can be named as one the main causes for Sierra Leoneans' short life expectancy. These clean water pumps are life-changing and can provide water to around 2,000-3,000 people, and can dramatically change peoples' lives. We need to help others who are not as privileged as you or I.
Donated $35.29 on 07/25/17
Donated $75.00 on 07/24/17
Donated $34.00 on 07/21/17
Donated $68.00 on 07/15/17
Donated $136.00 on 07/14/17
Donated $20.88 on 07/14/17