Water Projects in Sierra Leone

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Church of God Prophecy Primary School
A well is being repaired for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: WAsH for Schools
Kankalay Islamic Primary & Jr. Secondary School
A full WaSH Project at a school in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: WAsH for Schools
Rokundor Primary School Well Repair Project
A well is being rehabilitated for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: Well Rehab
Tombo Bana Full WaSH
New well and latrines for a school and community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: WAsH for Schools
Sus Gospel Primary School
A new well for a school in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: WAsH for Schools
Church of God Prophecy Primary School
A new well for a school in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: WAsH for Schools
Petifu Junction Well Rehabilitation
A well is being rehabilitated for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: Well Rehab
Suctarr Village, 47 Kamara St Well Rehabilitation
A well is being rehabilitated for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: Well Rehab
Newton Community Well Rehabilitation Project
A well is being rehabilitated for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: Well Rehab
Magbanga Village Well Rehabilitation Project
A well is being rehabilitated for a community in Sierra Leone.
Country: Sierra Leone  Project Type: Well Rehab