
The amazing efforts of everyday people doing extraordinary things... for others.
in contributions during 2013

Over the past seven years, the tireless efforts of our fundraisers and volunteers have enabled us to grow at an incredible pace and reach many more people with the gift of clean, safe water. We work hard every day to put all of these resources to the best possible use, providing clean, safe water for hundreds of thousands of people.


We work very hard to put every dollar to the best possible use. We're also committed to financial and operational accountability and transparency so you don't have to take our word for it.

Below you will find links to our latest financial statements. In addition to these documents, you can review the outcomes of all our water projects through our online directory. We post every outcome of every project we fund. And, we intend to continue to report on the status of those projects for years to come as that information becomes available.

Current Financial Documents

Additional years can be found below


Financial Statements

Reports are generally posted 7 months after the close of our fiscal year.

Other Information