Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Mar 2013

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 03/03/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them:


The Ebumanyi Community Water project was drilled by Kenya Finland Company (KEFINCO) in the year 1993. The well was drilled 42M cased by 4” inch UPC casings, INDIA MARKII pump was installed during the inception of the said well and served very well for a long time.

So, when it failed in the year 2011 around January, the community sourced for a technician who said he can repair it but unfortunately disappeared with the pump since the community officials didn’t have the person’s home particulars/details and as result they lost the pump.

The community covered the well to avoid sabotage or children from throwing in the stones and trash. The Ebumanyi self-help group recently made an application to BWP to intervene into. Since  then it has not been possible for Ebumanyi community members to access quality water as they used to. The members of Ebumanyi community through their self-help group made the appeal to BWP requesting for the consideration of rehabilitating their community well.


The current water source is Eshimiche stream located 1KM away from the community and women and young girls who are very much associated with fetching water have to go through a very large sugar plantation belonging to Mumias Sugar Company.

Whereas some of the young ladies/old women have been victims of rape cases since potential  rapist take advantage of sugar canes.

Water from this Eshimiche stream is clear with turbidity value of 5 (WHO) recommendation standard. But none can guarantee it being 100% quality.


There are 200 households each house with approximately 6-7 people coming up to an average population of 700-800 people of Ebumanyi community. (Editor's Note: While this many people may have access on any given day, realistically a single water source can only support a population of 350-500 people.  To learn more, click here.)


During BWP staff visit for baseline survey, we went around in a few homes and managed to a certain that, atleast there are toilets, clothe-lines, washing stands for utensils outside every kitchen, water containers are cleaned on regular basis and there composed pit in every home.


The members of the community and the pupils of St. Jude Nursery School and Ebumanyi Baptist church will be the beneficiaries.


There is need to rehabilitate the well so as to make quality water accessible to the community’s domestic use. Nursery school pupils who are served snacks every day at 10am especially when schools are on. Safe women and young girls from the danger of rape. Since the well is in the nursery schools compound it will also improve the sanitation and hygiene status of the school.


Prior to the implementation of the proposed Ebumanyi community water rehabilitation project, BWP staff will ensure formation of new water committee, who will come from self-help group members, church, nursery school. This will be done during community education on water sanitation and hygiene 3 days workshop

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.