In the Ithambwangao Community, 500 people need a nearby, safe water source. Currently, they must trek to a faraway well in another community, consuming much of their day to collect limited amounts of water. The arduous journey drains away their precious time and saps their energy, leaving them with scarce resources for anything else.
The landscape is harsh and unforgiving in this semi-arid area. To collect water, community members must journey under the hot sun for up to an hour each way.
Twelve-year-old Cynthia is familiar with the hardship of collecting water each day.
"Fetching water takes so much time. Sometimes, I miss classes just to help my family. I want to learn and do well in school, but when I’m tired and have to study by candlelight, it’s hard. I wish we had more water close by so I could focus on my studies and not worry about carrying heavy buckets every day. Water should be for learning, not just for living," shared Cynthia.

"Fetching water takes so long because we have to walk so far, often up and down hills, and sometimes we have to wait in line. The jerry cans are heavy, and if the well runs dry, we might have to go even further. Water is so important for our families, but it shouldn’t have to be such a long journey."
Even in the midst of an incredibly challenging life, Cynthia tries to make the best of it.
"When I'm sent to fetch water, I feel like a little hero on an adventure. I know it’s important for my family, but sometimes the journey feels long and tiring. Still, I try to be brave because every drop I carry is a step toward a brighter day!"
Cynthia is brave for taking on the difficult task of collecting water every day for her family but she doesn't really have a choice. It's a necessity for survival. This courageous child deserves accessible water.
If her community had a sand dam and well, then she could quickly collect water and still have time for other things. This would give her so much freedom and allow her time to focus on learning.

Cynthia at the faraway well.
"If I didn’t have to spend all that time getting water, I would play with my friends, explore the world around me, and dream big. Having more time would mean more adventures, more laughter, and more time to be a kid."
Installing a well near Cynthia will help her fulfill her dream of enjoying her childhood.
Solving the water crisis in this community will require a multifaceted system that will work together to create a sustainable water source that will serve this community for years to come.
Note: Our proposed water point can only serve 300 people per day. We are working with the community to identify other water solutions that will ensure everyone has access to safe and reliable drinking water.
Steps Toward a Solution
Our technical experts worked with the local community to identify the most effective solution to their water crisis. Together, they decided to construct a dug well and sand dam.
Dug Well Near A Sand Dam
Once a sand dam is installed and has time to mature by gathering sand and silt, groundwater increases significantly in the entire area surrounding the project. This provides a reliable source of groundwater that wasn’t possible before. As a result, wells can be constructed to take advantage of the water stored and filtered in the collected sand.
During construction, we build a platform for the well and attach a hand pump. The community gains a safe, enclosed water source capable of providing approximately five gallons of water per minute.
This dug-well will be connected to a sand dam to obtain water.
Community Education & Ownership
Hygiene and sanitation training are integral to our water projects. Training is tailored to each community's specific needs and includes key topics such as proper water handling, improved hygiene practices, disease transmission prevention, and care of the new water point. Safe water and improved hygiene habits foster a healthier future for everyone in the community. Encouraged and supported by the guidance of our team, a water user committee representative of the community's diverse members assumes responsibility for maintaining the water point, often gathering fees to ensure its upkeep.