A new well is now operational at Nabongo Primary School.
This school serves 1,630 Pupils with 57 staff members.
The school children used to gather water from a small stream which is contaminated with raw sewage and by latrines close to the stream. The stream is also contaminated by people bathing in it. The stream dries up during the dry seasons.
The new hand pump will be managed by the school project management team which is already in place.
Our implementing partner reported that...
Our partner's hygiene and sanitation manager said "The school has enough latrines for boys and girls. The latrines are washed by a man who is employed by the school management. The school compound is cleaned up by pupils. At least all children don’t go bare foot in the latrines. The school has the correct disposal for rubbish. On my visit, I taught the pupils about their body hygiene and encouraged them to maintain it."