Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Regional Program: Southeastern Kenya WaSH Program

Impact: 264 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jan 2025

Functionality Status:  Functional

Project Features

Click icons to learn about each feature.

Community Profile

The 264 students of Kasanga Primary School struggle to access sufficient water. With no water source at the school, students are forced to carry water from home. That means children as young as six are lugging heavy jerrycans, some weighing up to forty pounds. To make matters worse, the water they manage to collect from scoop holes near their homes often makes them ill, taking away even more precious classroom time.

Field Officer Alex Koech paints a challenging picture of the water crisis. "The pupils have to carry water from home every morning, which causes lateness and absenteeism when there is no water. They are often too exhausted from the long journey to focus on their studies, which has led to dismal academic performance. The school has not been able to set up a feeding program because water is scarce, and pupils are forced to carry packed lunch from home. However, not all pupils can carry food from home and stay hungry all day."

"The lack of water in the school has made agriculture studies difficult, and hygiene has plummeted. Construction of more facilities, like classrooms, is arduous because of water scarcity. The available water in the school is also contaminated because it is untreated, and pupils store water in unclean jerrycans; this has led to several instances of water-related infections like typhoid, amoeba, and diarrhea," Alex continued.

Teacher Peter Kimanzi, 50, seen below teaching, endures the struggle alongside his students. He said, "Our pupils find it difficult to achieve better grades because of thirst. I also find it hard to teach because of the lack of water to drink, and sometimes, we ignore the afternoon classes or cut them short. Most of our pupils are also late because they must carry water to school each morning over long distances. We also have compulsory agriculture projects in the school according to the current curriculum enrolled by the Kenyan Ministry of Education; thus, we have to pay for more water using the little available funds."

A student, Grace N, 13, spoke for herself and her classmates. She shared, "Although we are requested to carry water from home every day, it is not sufficient for all activities in the school. Therefore, I have to bear with thirst during peak drought periods when [there is] no water in the school. It is also difficult to have [a] green environment due to the scant water available. Our latrines have a foul smell because we only clean them once per week. Classrooms are often dusty because we only clean them once per term during the closing day."

A sign in their classroom says, "Success is a commitment, not a wish." Without easy access to water they can trust, students like Grace (seen above) won't be able to commit to succeeding in their educations because their current water crisis is all-consuming.

Installing the 104,000-liter rainwater catchment tank and gutter system will enable teachers like Peter to no longer struggle to finish a day's lessons due to his and his students' unquenched thirst. The school can start a lunch program, so students won't be required to bring water or lunch from home. When students are well-nourished, and their thirst is quenched, they can regain crucial learning time that is now lost to the water crisis. Easy access to safe water will empower the students of Kasanga Primary School to dream of a bright future.

Water at schools is unique, which is why we need unique solutions.

The Proposed Solution, Determined Together...

At The Water Project, everyone has a part in conversations and solutions. We operate in transparency, believing it benefits everyone. We expect reliability from one another as well as our water solutions. Everyone involved makes this possible through hard work and dedication.

In a joint discovery process, community members determine their most advantageous water solution alongside our technical experts. Read more specifics about this solution on the What We're Building tab of this project page. Then, community members lend their support by collecting needed construction materials (sometimes for months ahead of time!), providing labor alongside our artisans, sheltering and feeding the builders, and supplying additional resources.

Water Access for Everyone

This water project is one piece in a large puzzle. In Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda, we're working toward complete coverage of reliable, maintained water sources that guarantee public access now and in the future within a 30-minute round trip for each community, household, school, and health center. One day, we hope to report that this has been achieved!

Training on Health, Hygiene & More

With the community's input, we've identified topics where training will increase positive health outcomes at personal, household, and community levels. We'll coordinate with them to find the best training date. Some examples of what we train communities on are:

  • Improved hygiene, health, and sanitation habits
  • Safe water handling, storage & treatment
  • Disease prevention and proper handwashing
  • Income-generation
  • Community leadership, governance, & election of a water committee
  • Operation and maintenance of the water point

Handwashing Stations

Alongside each water source in Southeast Kenya schools, we also provide three new handwashing stations fitted with three taps each, allowing nine students to wash their hands at once. These will allow everyone at the school to wash their hands without running water. Handwashing is so important to help prevent future water-related illnesses in the school community.

The student health club will maintain the stations, fill them with water, and supply them with soap (which we will teach the school community how to make during the training!).

Project Updates

January, 2025: Kasanga Primary School Rainwater Tank Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the Kasanga Primary School in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their 104,000-liter rain tank! Additionally, we installed handwashing stations and trained students and staff on sanitation and hygiene practices. Together, these components will unlock the opportunity for these students to thrive!

The completed rain tank brings joy to school!

Headteacher Peter Kimanzi shared the good news the rain tank brings to the school.

"This project will help in eradicating the acute water scarcity in the school that has led to several problems. For instance, the learners will no longer be bringing water from home, which often leads to lateness and poor concentration in class due to exhaustion. We will also have most of the students attending their classes every day because there is enough clean water in school, unlike before when learners would miss school when they did not have water to bring to school or when they contracted water-related illnesses. Preparing meals for the students and teachers will now be much easier, thanks to adequate water availability. We will also be able to conduct regular hygiene in the classrooms, latrines, and other facilities in the school to establish a comfortable learning space for our pupils," said Mr. Kimanzi.

Headteacher Peter Kimanzi.

"Adequate water availability in the school will ensure students arrive at school early with energy to concentrate during their lessons because they are no longer burdened with carrying water from home every day. We will also be able to instill proper hygiene practices in our learners because they will conduct regular hygiene chores such as washing their hands and cleaning their latrines as well as classes. Also, the fact that they will be drinking clean water whenever they feel thirsty will ensure the students are comfortable during their stay in school which helps them achieve better academic grades," he continued.

Rain Tank Construction

First, we held a meeting with all parents and the school’s headteacher to plan the project. The parents agreed to collect construction materials like sand, rocks, and water. We complemented their materials by delivering the expertise, tools, lumber, metal, cement, and a gutter system.

Construction has begun!

This tank is a whopping 104,000 liters, as it rarely rains in Southeastern Kenya. The more water the tank can store during the seasonal rains, the more water available through the dry months for the students!

Building up the tank.

Construction for this large rain tank is much like constructing a concrete house. First, we leveled the ground for foundation excavation. Next, we laid alternating layers of rocks and mortar up to seven feet high for the tank's outer walls. With such sturdy construction (the walls are three feet thick!), the tank will stand for a long time.

We built a reinforced concrete column in the tank’s center to sustain the roof and prevent it from caving in. We plastered the walls inside and out with waterproof cement and installed guttering into the tank. Finally, we installed the roof of the tank, made of iron sheets and timber with vents to allow rainwater into the tank from the gutters.

The tank is complete!

Handwashing Stations

We delivered three new handwashing stations in time for training. Each new station has three taps, so that nine students can wash their hands simultaneously.

Students washing their hands at their new handwash stations!

Community Education

We trained on health, hygiene, and sanitation topics. These included student health club activities, disease prevention, personal hygiene, and handwashing. We also covered water hygiene, latrine hygiene, and soapmaking.


We had excellent participation in this training session! 247 students and teachers engaged in the training session. The students ranged from four to fifteen years old, so we had the opportunity to instill in a new generation healthy habits that can be shared with the community.

13-year-old Pauline was eager to share the new knowledge she gained through the training.


"We have learned new things that will impact our lives positively. This training has taught us that we must practice good hygienic behavior to prevent diseases. We will teach our siblings, guardians, and neighbors the acquired knowledge on proper hygienic practices so that they can understand the importance of maintaining good hygiene and sanitation practices."

Thank you for making all of this possible!

November, 2024: Exciting Progress Underway at Kasanga Primary School!

We’re thrilled to share that, thanks to your generous support, significant change is coming for the entire Kasanga Primary School. Construction has begun on their rain tank, bringing them one step closer to having clean, reliable water.

But that's not all—during construction, we’re also providing vital health training. These sessions equip the school with essential hygiene practices, ensuring that the benefits of clean water extend to lasting health improvements.

We’re so grateful for your role in making this possible. Stay tuned for more updates—soon, we’ll be celebrating the arrival of safe water at Kasanga Primary School!

Project Photos

Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!


Project Underwriter - Christ United Methodist Church
Accelerator Match
The Larry Franklin Living Trust
Girl Scouts of Northern California Troop 32364
Village Lutheran Church & The Chapel School
Penncrest Interact Campaign for Water
Girl Scout Troop 98266's Campaign for Water
11 individual donor(s)