At Ndatha Primary School, where children are supposed to be laying the foundation for their educations and, ultimately, their futures, the 136 students instead must face a constant water crisis. The school's rainwater harvesting tank is too small to keep up with demand, so students must collect water from unsafe scoop holes to provide water for themselves and their six teachers.
A scoop hole used by students.
"The students have to carry water from home, which makes them late to school and inattentive in their classes due to the exhaustion, which negatively affects their academic performance. The contaminated water acquired from scoop holes also exposes the learners to waterborne infections, leading to absenteeism as they seek treatment from the local dispensaries. It is also very difficult to run school operations like cooking, cleaning, and construction work due to the lack of water. Moreover, water expenses continue to drain the school's financial resources. Learners also have to skip school when they do not have water to carry to school, which has had a negative impact on their performance," shared Field Officer Alex Koech.
"The young ones have to carry their packed lunch, books on their backs, and jerry can [in] one hand, which is very exhausting considering that most of them live far away from the school. It is also difficult for them to focus when there is no water to drink under the immense arid heat."
It's a challenging experience for the students, to say the least. 14-year-old Agnes is familiar with the struggle.
Agnes at the school rain tank.
"Carrying water from home takes a lot of time because I live far away from the school. I feel very frustrated because sometimes there is no water to bring from home, and the journey is very exacting," shared Agnes.
"I often get late when coming to school and [am] unable to focus on my studies because I am tired. I also spent a lot of time fetching water, which I could have used in my studies," she continued.
Students in class.
Agnes dreams of having time for normal childhood activities. If she had access to clean water, she said, "I would spend my time playing, chatting with my friends, and studying."
Students playing.
"With a reliable water source on-site, students won't need to carry water from home. This will reduce their physical strain and lateness, leading to better attendance and less exhaustion, which can improve their focus and academic performance. Rainwater collected and stored in a proposed masonry tank will be clean, and this will reduce the risk of waterborne infections, leading to fewer absences due to illness and less time spent at local dispensaries for treatment. The availability of water on-site will facilitate daily operations like cooking, cleaning, and maintenance work. This will ensure that the school runs smoothly and can improve the overall environment and efficiency," concluded Alex.
Steps Toward a Solution
Our technical experts worked with the local community to identify the most effective solution to their water crisis. Together, they decided to construct a rainwater harvesting system.
Rainwater Harvesting System
A rainwater collection system consists of gutters that channel rainwater effectively into large holding tanks. Attached to buildings with clean, suitable roofing, these systems are sized according to the population and rainfall patterns. Water can be stored for months, allowing for easy treatment and access. Learn more here!
Handwashing Stations
Alongside each water source, we install two gravity-fed handwashing stations, enabling everyone at the school to wash their hands. Handwashing is crucial for preventing water-related illnesses within the school and community. Student “health clubs” maintain the stations, fill them with water, and supply them with soap, which we often teach them how to make.
School Education & Ownership
Hygiene and sanitation training are integral to our water projects. Training is tailored to each school's specific needs and includes key topics such as proper water handling, improved hygiene practices, disease transmission prevention, and care of the new water point.
To ensure a lasting impact, we support forming a student health club composed of elected student representatives and a teacher. These clubs promote hygiene practices schoolwide and keep handwashing stations well-stocked. This student-led model encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Safe water and improved hygiene habits foster a healthier future for the entire school.