Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Program: Kenyan Spring Protection

Impact: 305 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Nov 2014

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 02/02/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is being implemented by our partner Western Water And Sanitation Forum, and includes the construction of a rainwater harvesting system and sanitation platforms.

Lwenya primary school is located in Lwenya village, Shiveye sub-location, Iguhu location, Idakho East ward, Ikolomani sub-county, Kakamega County. within Kakamega county.

 Mobilization of materials

The school was a beneficiary of one tank with the capacity of 30,000 liters, 4 VIPs and 2 hand washing facilities. The school was able to mobilize sand that was harvested from river yala that passes near by, hard core, ballast and unskilled labour. WEWASAFO was impressed with the quality of sand that the school was able to collect for the construction work. When we asked the head teacher where the school was able to get that sand, he directed us to the banks of river yala where the sand is harvested. Those involved with the work were the youth from savane community.

After vetting and approving the quantity and the quality of the materials that the community was able to mobilize, WEWASAFO delivered hardware materials that were required for the works in Lwenya school.

Construction work begun immediately around mid september 2014. 

WASH trainings 

The school health and hygiene training was conducted using the Child to Child (CTC) and Children Health and sanitation training (CHAST) methodologies.

Training on operation and maintenance of the ferro cement water tank and VIP was also done.

The main objective of the school health trainings was to equip the participants with relevant skills on establishment of Child to Child health and hygiene clubs in schools. These clubs will be charged with responsibility of promoting good health and hygiene practices in the school and entire community.

A total number 15 people attended, with representation of the deputy head teacher and his 3 teachers (3 female and 1 males),2 school management committee representatives ,6 pupils (3boys and 3 girls) and 4 WASH staff.

Tanks construction

Construction work of the tank at Lwenya Primary school is underway. The pupils from the school are supporting the fundis by collecting water for construction from the nearby river. Some boys are are also asissting in seaving the sand and the students from the hearby Savane Polytechnic are offering support as unskilled labourers on sight. This was an agreement between the Polytechnic principal and WEWASAFO that was meant to empower a total of 8 polytechnic students with Ferocement tank construction technology. 

When complete this tank will serve a total population of 305 pupils with 131 boys’ 163 girls in primary level and 11 boys and 11 girls in the ECD level with 10 teachers and 2 support staff.

VIP Construction

At the same time, WEWASAFO is undertaking construction of 2 double door VIP latrines at the school. The artisans from WEWASAFO are undertang construction work with the support from Savane Polytechnic students. When complete, these latrines will also serve a total number of 305 pupils with 131 boys 163 girls in primary level and 11 boys and 11 girls in the ECD level

The two hand washing facilities one for the boys and one for the girls have been installed at the school. They will also serve a total number 305 pupils with 131 boys 163 girls in primary level and 11 boys and 11 girls in the ECD level.

As an institution, we project to complete construction works by the end of October 2014 so that we can allow the Class 8 candidates to sit for their KCPE exams without interference. KCPE begins on 4th November 2014.


We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!