Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Program: Kenyan Rainwater Harvesting

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Dec 2015

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/08/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is a part of our shared program with Western Water And Sanitation Forum. Our team is pleased to directly share the below report (edited for clarity, as needed).

Background Information

Muraka Primary School was started by Friend's Church of Muraka in 1968, with the aim of providing education to the entire community. The school is located along busy Kakamega-Kisumu Highway in Muraka Village, Muhonje Sub-Location, Ilesi Location, Shinyalu Division, Kakamega East Sub-County of Kakamega County. The school has a total population of 598 pupils, 215 of which are boys and 240 girls in primary, and 75 boys 68 girls in early childhood education. The school employs 19 teachers and four support staff.

(Editor’s Note: While this many people may have access on any given day, realistically a single water source can only support a population of 350-500 people. This community would be a good candidate for a second project in the future so adequate water is available. To learn more, click here.)


The school lacks water facilities. They used to have piped water within the compound, but it often fails to adequately serve them. Right now, it is disconnected because of construction on the main road. This has forced students to wake up earlier to fetch water at a 1/2-kilometer-away spring before classes start. Sometimes students have to fetch extra water to be used by the school for cooking and cleaning. Most morning lessons are interrupted or delayed as students go to fetch this water. This has delayed the entire school syllabus.

Having to walk and fetch water several times a day, students tire before the end of lessons. Their concentration is negatively impacted and performance is poor. As a result, Muraka Primary School has ranked as one of the poorest performing schools in Ikolomani Constituency.

Cases of pneumonia have also been a consequence of students walking so far in the early morning without shoes. Typhoid and cholera has also been reported from drinking dirty water. Either the water coming from home is unprotected, or the water is contaminated from the containers and their transport.

The school's sanitation situation is also an urgent issue. The latrines are in such a poor state that they are about to fall in. Many students fear using these and instead use the bathroom behind classrooms. This has increased the cases of infection among students.

There are two latrines for the staff. There are eight for male students, but they have all been condemned for destruction not only because of their disrepair, but because they are in the way of road construction. There are six latrines for girls that are also in poor condition, but have not yet been condemned.

The school does not have hand-washing facilities, nor does it have a health club. Since there is such a water deficit, facilities are rarely cleaned. What little water the school has is used in the kitchen or for drinking. Also, the compost pit is overflowing and is a risk to student health.

Muraka Primary School is appealing to the donor through WEWASAFO to help them have access to clean water and safe sanitation facilities within the compound. This will save time for academics that was previously wasted on fetching water and treating illnesses. With these improvements, classes will start on time!

Child to Child Training

Child to child (CTC) training for Muraka Primary School was held from November 17-18. Total attendance was 13 people out of which four were teachers, one parent, six pupils, and two WEWASAFO staff. The purpose of training was to equip participants with the skills needed to practice and promote good health and hygiene at the school. After training, this group will be expected to form a CTC club on campus and recruit new members.

CTC training is effective because students are effective agents of change in their community. Information is shared from one participants to a group of their pupils, and then those pupils do the same and also take the message home to parents and family.

Participants agreed with the facilitator that the following activities are crucial for promoting health in their community:

- Washing hands at important times

- Using clean and safe drinking water

- Washing food before eating

- Washing sanitation facilities daily

- Cutting and clearing tall grass and brush

- Exercising

- Sweeping compounds

Participants were then taught the 10 steps of proper hand-washing. The facilitator demonstrated the right way, and then each member had a chance to practice in front of the others.

The group then discussed the role and responsibilities they want their CTC club to take on:

- Fill hand-washing facilities with water daily

- Oversee the rainwater harvesting tank and report of any repairs needed

- Educate peers about how to thoroughly clean both classrooms and sanitation facilities

- Demonstrate the 10 hand-washing steps to others

- Organize and run income-generating activities that also raise health awareness

Project Results:

Rainwater Harvesting Tank

Construction of the Muraka rainwater harvesting tank is complete and it is now in use by students and staff. This gives the school compound a new, safe water source. Students no longer have to arrive at school early to make 1/2 kilometer treks to the unprotected spring.

Pupils are now more motivated to attend school. They no longer carry a heavy burden of water from home no worry about making several trips during the day. Girls now have equal opportunities to study and use their time effectively. Teachers no longer have to worry about the safety of these girls and have great hopes for their academic improvement. In fact, academic improvement is expected to improve so much that Muraka Primary could rank as one of the top schools in Kakamega County. The headmaster can already confirm that student absences have greatly decreased!

VIP Latrines

Construction of double-door VIP (ventilation improved pit) latrines for the school is complete and now in use by students. Students say that these new latrines have greatly shortened the lines during class breaks. And since the school compound now has a rainwater harvesting tank, it is now much easier to keep facilities clean and well-maintained. Both students and teachers are excited and extremely grateful for these improvements.

Hand-Washing Facilities

Two hand-washing facilities were delivered, installed, and are now in use by students. Thanks to training, students know how to use these stations properly and do so after using the latrines. The CTC health club is maintaining these sinks, making sure they are filled with water every morning and kept clean.

The Water Project and Muraka Primary School Thank You for unlocking potential! All of this would not be possible without you.

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!


Holy Covenant Korean American Presbyterian Church
1 individual donor(s)