Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Program: Kenyan Rainwater Harvesting

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Dec 2015

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/11/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is a part of our shared program with Western Water And Sanitation Forum. Our team is pleased to directly share the below report (edited for clarity, as needed).


Emunga’bo Primary School was started in 1957 as a primary school with four classes. In 2007, the school collapsed due to floods in the compound. After four years, in 2011, it was started again with six classes due to the pressure from the community since there was no any other school within the area. The school is about 52 km away from Kakamega in Ebushisoka Village, Mulwanda Location, Khushiku Location, Kisa Central ward, Khwisero sub County, Kakamega County.  The school has a total population of 500 pupils: 204 boys and 196 girls in primary level while those in early childhood Education are 60 boys and 40 girls. It has 7 registered teachers, 5 Parent Teacher Association teachers and 3 support staff members. The school also has a CTC (Child to Child Training) club of 15 members in total though not very active.

(Editor's Note: While this many people may have access on any given day, realistically a single water source can only support a population of 350-500 people. To read about a second project at this school, click here.)


The school does not have safe clean drinking water since the pupils draw from an unprotected spring which is in front of the classrooms, and another unprotected spring which is 100 meters away from the school.

The pupils have been adversely affected by water borne diseases such as Typhoid, cholera and diarrhea as a result drinking contaminated water, and malaria due to stagnant water where mosquitos can spawn in front of their classroom. The head teacher confirmed that a total of 10 pupils are absent from school daily because of being sick. This has contributed to poor performance in school. The school is in a position to collect water from the roof catchment if assisted. They also don’t have enough classes and the school management committees have approached the government, which agreed to support them with more classrooms.

When it comes to sanitation facilities, the school has 4 doors for girls, 2 doors for boys and no urinal pit for boys. All are in a poor state and almost full. The latrines are built of brick walls plastered with cement. The head teacher, Mr. Angere, admitted that the latrines get filled up faster since they cannot sink the pit deep because the place has a lot of water and the soil profile is loose. The pupils share the same toilets with teachers.

Results of the project:

Rainwater Harvesting Tank

Construction of a rainwater harvesting tank is complete, and it is now in use. The school's enrollment increased by 50 pupils once the tank was constructed, and the Headmaster confirms that it is because of two successful water projects within the school compound. The school now has a continuous supply of clean water throughout the academic year. When the tank has no water during the dry season, students can still benefit from the spring protection project.

Cases of waterborne diseases used to be very high, but students and faculty look forward to a constant decrease. It is already evident that cases of malaria have been reduced after the clearing of stagnant puddles in the compound. The draining of these puddles was initiated by teachers, students, and parents after they learned about the chain of contamination in their sanitation and hygiene training.

Pupils now have less worries plaguing them during the day and can focus better on their schoolwork. The head teacher already reports that student absences have decreased, and looks forward to even more academic improvements. Students go to school happily knowing that they won't be sent home halfway through the day to fetch more water.

VIP Latrines

Construction of double-door VIP (ventilated improved latrines) is complete and now in use. These additional sanitation facilities are meant for the 500 students who previously suffered waiting in very long lines for the latrines. Since completion, these students have already noticed a reduction in waiting lines. Students also enjoy using the new latrines because they are clean and do not smell. Teachers no longer have to share latrines with the students, since they benefited from their own new VIP latrine. Both teachers and students are happy with these improvements.

Hand-Washing Facilities

Two hand-washing facilities were delivered and installed near the latrines. The pupils were trained on the correct way to wash hands and are now using these facilities. Students admit that they used to eat without washing hands first, but can now take better care of themselves by using the new latrines and hand-washing stations.

You can find some of the training activities in the photo section of this project page.

The Water Project and Emung'abo students and faculty Thank You for unlocking potential.

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!


All Saint's Episcopal Church Outreach
Lusher Brownie Troop 41015
Scandinavians for Life
27 individual donor(s)