Project Status

Project Type:  Protected Spring

Regional Program: Western Kenya WaSH Program

Impact: 700 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Feb 2025

Functionality Status:  Functional

Project Features

Click icons to learn about each feature.

The 700 community members living in Namwaya struggle daily to collect sufficient water to meet their needs. Although they have a water source that provides plenty of water, it is in disrepair, and its water quality can not be trusted.

"The spring was once constructed by the community, but with [the] lack of proper expertise, the spring was not constructed to [a safe] standard. It is in a bad state, open to contamination, and [it] poses a health risk," said field officer David Muthama.

"The spring has a lot of water escaping from the sides and bottom of the wing wall. Also, the discharge pipe is heavily rusted, further contaminating the water. Water can be seen getting into the spring box that finds its way to the supply pipe. Also, the stairs giving access to the drawing point are a big risk," David said.

When people rely on a water source such as this spring that is not providing water safely and efficiently, many other areas of their lives suffer because their time and energy are consumed with collecting water and suffering from water-related illnesses.

David continued, "With water scarcity being a persistent problem, community members, particularly women and children, are burdened with the task of fetching water daily. This essential chore often requires walking long distances to reach the nearest water source, such as a well or water point. As a consequence, significant time and energy are dedicated to this activity, leading to disruptions in their daily schedules."

"It is hard to maintain order in the spring when it looks like chaos. Look, there is water escaping from all over. Sometimes I have to work on the drainage alone just because I am the [land] owner, but I know things would be different if the spring looked [a] little bit nicer," said 59-year-old farmer and the spring's namesake Hudson Muganda Muchele, shown above near the spring.

Collecting water from the spring is especially difficult during the rainy season when the path and surrounding area become slick and muddy water flows into the spring, contaminating it further.

"Getting water during the rainy season is not easy. The water of the spring usually turns brown in color, and [I] have to use a sieve to draw water. On several occasions, I have forgotten my mother's [sieve] at the water point only to return and not find it," said 12-year-old Dinah B., shown above.

Proper spring protection will enable community members like Hudson and Dinah to quickly and safely collect water they won't have to filter before using. Then, with the extra time, they can focus their energy on improving their daily lives.

The Proposed Solution, Determined Together...

At The Water Project, everyone has a part in conversations and solutions. We operate in transparency, believing it benefits everyone. We expect reliability from one another as well as our water solutions. Everyone involved makes this possible through hard work and dedication.

In a joint discovery process, community members determine their most advantageous water solution alongside our technical experts. Read more specifics about this solution on the What We're Building tab of this project page. Then, community members lend their support by collecting needed construction materials (sometimes for months ahead of time!), providing labor alongside our artisans, sheltering and feeding the builders, and supplying additional resources.

Water Access for Everyone

This water project is one piece in a large puzzle. In Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda, we're working toward complete coverage of reliable, maintained water sources that guarantee public access now and in the future within a 30-minute round trip for each community, household, school, and health center. One day, we hope to report that this has been achieved!

Training on Health, Hygiene & More

With the community's input, we've identified topics where training will increase positive health outcomes at personal, household, and community levels. We'll coordinate with them to find the best training date. Some examples of what we train communities on are:

  • Improved hygiene, health, and sanitation habits
  • Safe water handling, storage & treatment
  • Disease prevention and proper handwashing
  • Income-generation
  • Community leadership, governance, & election of a water committee
  • Operation and maintenance of the water point

Chlorine Dispensers

Installing chlorine dispensers is an important piece of our spring protection projects. Protecting a spring provides community members with an improved water source, but it doesn’t prevent contamination once the water is collected and stored. For example, if the water is clean and the container is dirty, the water will become contaminated.

We ensure that each chlorine dispenser is filled with diluted chlorine on a consistent schedule so that people can add pre-measured drops to each container of water they collect. That way, community members can feel even more confident in the quality of their water.

Project Updates

February, 2025: Namwaya Community Spring Protection Complete!

Your contribution has made access to clean water for the Namwaya Community possible!

We transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. A chlorine dispenser was installed to provide added protection and we trained the community on improved sanitation and hygiene practices. Together, these components will unlock the opportunity for community members to thrive!

"Accessing this water point will help my children live a healthy [life]. There will be no sickness because of dirty water. They will be [able] to spend most of their days in school [and not] at home. Spending most of their days in school [they] will be able to improve their performance, and [their] grades will improve. This will make them pursue their dreams and become important people in society," said 30-year-old Edwin Muganda.

Edwin at the protected spring.

"The water point will help me live a healthy life since I will have the strength to work on my farm, plant vegetables, [and] arrowroots. I will be able to also rear pigs which has huge returns. By doing this, my household income will increase greatly," Edwin continued.

Children were just as excited as adults about clean water access!

Dina at the spring.

"Having access to clean water nearer will help me not to go far for water. This will enable me [to] save on time and concentrate on my studies. I will be able to arrive at school early; this will make me alert, and [I will] learn without the worry of being sent far for water. My grades will improve because of doing my homework on time and doing my remedial studies," said Dina.

Preparing for Spring Protection

Community members worked together to source all locally available construction materials for the spring. These included bricks, sand, stones, and fencing poles. Because people have to carry most items by hand, the material-collection process can take anywhere from a few weeks to months.

When the community was ready, we delivered the remaining construction materials, including cement, plastic tarps, and hardware. Then our construction artisan and field officers deployed to the spring to begin work.

Protecting the Spring: A Step-by-Step Process

First, we excavated the spring area. This includes digging a drainage channel below the spring and several runoff diversion channels above and around the spring to help divert surface contaminants away.

To ensure community members could still access water throughout the construction process, we also dug temporary channels around the construction site to allow water to continue to flow. Excavation created space for setting the spring's foundation.

After establishing the base, made of thick plastic, wire, concrete and waterproof cement, we started brickwork to build the spring walls and stairs. Once the walls were tall enough, we began one of the most crucial steps: setting the discharge pipe. The discharge pipe needs to be positioned low enough so the water level never rises above the spring's eye, yet high enough to allow room for the average collection container (20-liters) to sit beneath the pipe without making contact, to prevent cross-contamination.

If we place the pipe too high, back pressure could force water to emerge elsewhere. Too low, and community members would not be able to access the water easily.

In coordination with the walls and stairs, we cemented stones on both sides of the spring's drainage channel. These stones discourage people and animals from standing in that area, which could cause soil erosion and a clogged drainage area.

We then cemented and plastered the spring walls. These finishing layers reinforce the brickwork and prevent water in the reservoir from seeping through. In turn, enough pressure builds to push water out through the discharge pipe.

As the walls cured, we finished the stairs and installed tiles beneath the discharge pipe. The tiles protect the concrete from the falling water's erosive force.

We redirected the temporary diversion channels back into the reservoir box and closed all other exits to force water through only the discharge pipe. We filled the reservoir area with the large, clean stones arranging them in layers like a well-fitting puzzle. We covered the rocks with thick plastic and piled enough dirt on top to compensate for future settling.

Community members transplanted grass to help prevent erosion and the collection area was fenced. The fence prevents people or animals from walking in the area above the spring, as compaction of this area can potentially compromise water quality.

The construction process took about two weeks of work and patience. As soon as the spring was ready, people got the okay from their local field officers to fetch water.

We officially gave ownership of the waterpoint to the Namwaya Community.

Happiness and thanksgiving flowed in all directions!

Training on Health, Hygiene, and More

Together with the community, we found their preferred date for training. When the day arrived, facilitators Joyce Naliaka, Mercy Wamalwa, Mercy Odongo, and Adelaide Nasimiyu deployed to the site to lead the event. 24 people attended the training, including 12 women and 12 men.

We discussed personal, oral, and environmental hygiene, emphasizing proper water handling, soap-making, and the ten steps of handwashing. We also highlighted the importance of primary health care and covered the operation and maintenance of the water point, as well as leadership and governance. By the end of the training, each participant had a clear understanding of their role in maintaining clean water and promoting good health within their community.

We held an election for the newly formed water user committee who will oversee the maintenance of the spring. We brainstormed income-generating activities and encouraged them to start a group savings account for future minor repairs to the spring.

Learning about proper handwashing.

"Attendance was as I expected because there was a representation of all ages, all genders. After the training, they can comfortably reach out to their peers who didn't get the chance to be in the training to be taught what they learned. There was a representation of a community health promoter who was able [to] emphasize the hygiene practices taught. There was also a representation of community leadership to reinforce the laws and regulations formulated by the water user committee," shared Field Officer Adelaide Nasimiyu.


"The interesting part is where the facilitator took us through the process of ensuring important parts of the body are cleaned. She added by saying that when washing your body one needs also to put on clean clothes because putting on dirty clothes after taking a shower makes no difference with a person who has not showered. Today, I learned that when you are cleaned, hygiene-related diseases will not come near you, and this will make you live a healthy lifestyle for a long [life]," said Anna Waswa, a 61-year-old farmer and secretary of the Water User Committee.

Thank you for making all of this possible!

January, 2025: Exciting Progress in Namwaya Community, Thanks to You!

We’re thrilled to share that, thanks to your generous support, significant change is coming for Hudson and the entire Namwaya Community. Construction has begun on the spring protection project, bringing them one step closer to having clean, reliable water.

But that's not all—during construction, we’re also providing vital health training. These sessions equip the community with essential hygiene practices, ensuring that the benefits of clean water extend to lasting health improvements.

We’re so grateful for your role in making this possible. Stay tuned for more updates—soon, we’ll be celebrating the arrival of safe water in the Namwaya Community!

Project Photos

Project Type

Springs are water sources that come from deep underground, where the water is filtered through natural layers until it is clean enough to drink. Once the water pushes through the surface of the Earth, however, outside elements like waste and runoff can contaminate the water quickly. We protect spring sources from contamination with a simple waterproof cement structure surrounding layers of clay, stone, and soil. This construction channels the spring’s water through a discharge pipe, making water collection easier, faster, and cleaner. Each spring protection also includes a chlorine dispenser at the waterpoint so community members can be assured that the water they are drinking is entirely safe. Learn more here!


Gift in honor of Karen
5 individual donor(s)