The 140 members of the Eshiakhulo Community struggle to access safe water every day. Their community spring is contaminated so young people like Soul suffer from water-related illnesses often making it difficult for them to attend school consistently.
"I often get sick with water-related diseases due to the water we drink here. l get treatment but it keeps reoccurring. I was taken to hospital by my parents and l was given medicine. l really felt weak and l lay for some days in bed as l received treatment," shared 14-year-old Soul.
"I am worried about the current water because we drink dirty water and get ill often, getting in and out of [the] hospital is the norm of the day," Soul continued.

Water is life. Without it, Soul will continue to get sick, along with the rest of the members of his community. Their resources are precious and currently, they are being spent on medications and hospital stays, which will leave them stuck in a cycle of poverty that they can't get out of without access to clean water.
"Fetching water impacts my time, mostly l get to school late and find other pupils have read almost two lessons and that demoralizes me. Also, l rarely find time to read on my own at home," said Soul.

Soul collecting water.
Field Officer Faith Muthama said, "The community members fetch water from the ground and the water gets dirty from the dust that surrounds the spring area. The road going to the spring is lonely, steep, and sloppy, during [the] rainy season. They fall with their buckets full of water, making them go back to fetch water at the spring. The community often gets water-related illnesses because the water mixes with dirt making it unsafe for them. Fetching water from the ground is time-consuming for them, making them take some time to let the water settle so that they can fetch water and they do it all over again until the jerrican or bucket is full. Protecting the spring will enable the community [to] get safe, clean, and reliable water and also it will save them time to fetch water, this will enable them to live comfortably and they will use their time to be productive."
Steps Toward a Solution
Our technical experts worked with the local community to identify the most effective solution to their water crisis. They decided to safeguard the existing flowing spring.
Spring Protection
Springs are natural water sources that originate from deep underground. As water travels through various layers of the earth, it undergoes a natural filtration process, making it cleaner and safer to drink. To protect these spring sources from contamination, we construct a waterproof cement structure around layers of clay, stone, and soil. This design channels the spring water through a discharge pipe, facilitating easier, faster, and cleaner water collection.
Chlorine Dispenser
As an extra measure towards water quality safety, uniquely engineered chlorine dispensers are installed at all of our spring protection projects so community members can treat their water with pre-measured doses of chlorine. The chlorine treats any residual contamination and stays active for two to three days, ensuring water stays safe to use even when stored at home. Chlorine delivery and maintenance of the dispensers are part of our ongoing community support.
Community Education & Ownership
Hygiene and sanitation training are integral to our water projects. Training is tailored to each community's specific needs and includes key topics such as proper water handling, improved hygiene practices, disease transmission prevention, and care of the new water point. Safe water and improved hygiene habits foster a healthier future for everyone in the community. Encouraged and supported by the guidance of our team, a water user committee representative of the community's diverse members assumes responsibility for maintaining the water point, often gathering fees to ensure its upkeep.