In February of this year, we introduced you to this community, hoping to rehabilitate a well and bring clean water. In June, we had to report that the well we hoped to fix was not viable due to materials used when it was first constructed. But simply walking away was not an option. Our partner, Bridge Water Project, sought another well in the community to rehabilitate, but no other options were found. Instead, we have begun the process of constructing a brand new borehole, properly constructed, to ensure that this community has access to clean water, and to make sure that your hard work and contributions accomplish what we all want, clean water and unlocked potential for the people of Ematoyi. To see the new project, click here.
This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them:
The proposed Ematoyi market is a market where buying and selling of goods are done. The market has more than 10 permanent shops and several Kiosks with different commodities. The market has an open space where different business activities occur i.e. livestock poultry and cereals are sold.
Ematoyi market water project is a well drilled by Kenya Finland Water Supply Programme. The well was drilled in the year 1989. The well records a total depth of 45M, static water level of 24M, cased by 4 inch UPVC casings, well pad constructed and an afridev pump was installed and served for six years when it was stolen by unknown persons after it had broken down. The market water committee learned of BWP water development activities in Kakamega County and made the application requesting BWP to consider rehabilitating their market well cleaning and installing a new Affridev pump to enable them keep using their water supply. The water committee has committed themselves to building a cement lock house to protect the pump and prevent it from being stolen in the future.
Currently, there is no water source around the market. However, during marketing day, some people from Ematoyi community also take advantage of the situation whereby they fetch water from unknown sources and retail it at a fee of Kshs. 10 per 20 liter Jerrican to people at open air market and to the food kiosk owners. This kind of business exposes a lot of dangers to people’s health since none can guarantee the quality of such water.
During the official marketing days, estimated populations of 1500 to 2000 people come at the market for their daily business activities. Whereas, an estimated population of 150 – 200 people are the people who stay at the market.
The Ematoyi market has two public toilets for both male and female, no refuse chamber, no hand washing stations as well.
There is need to rehabilitate Ematoyi market well to enable the residents, business people and the entire community to access clean and quality water for their daily domestic use to improve the hygiene and sanitation status.
The Ematoyi residents, business people and the entire community will greatly benefit from this market water source.
The Ematoyi market water committee was formed during our first visit and was trained prior to the implementation of the proposed project to enable them understand the operation, maintenance, sanitation and hygiene to ensure sustainability of the water project. The Ematoyi market is a public property owned and managed by the Navakholo Sub-county government whereby the proposed water rehab project has a market management committee comprised of the business people who will be responsible for the proposed water supply.