Project Status

Project Type:  Dug Well and Hand Pump

Program: The Water Promise - Kenya

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jul 2015

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 03/04/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them (edited for clarity):


Kharanda primary is a public mixed primary school that was started in the year 1974 under the sponsorship of ACJK MULEMBE church to eradicate illiteracy and promote education in the community as well as in the neighboring communities.

Through the efforts of the Kenya Finland company, the school benefited with a drilled in 1985. The well served the school and the community for a long period of time until parts were stolen by the unknown people.

Since the pump was stolen approximately 5 years ago, the school and the community are no longer enjoying the sweet water from the well.


The school currently accesses water from a shallow hand dug well, which is situated 1km away in one of the community member’s home. The shallow well is open and pupils fetch water using a jerrican tired on the rope, which is unsafe for pupils since there is risk in falling into the well. Not to mention that the well is open and therefore subject to various forms of contamination.

Due to the consumption of the unclean water from the shallow well there are reported cases of breakouts of waterborne diseases in the school and among the community.


The school records an enrollment of 325 girls, 270 boys, 14 teachers and 2 support staff. Approximate population of 611 people. The approximate population of the community that has access to using this open well is 120 people. For a total of approximately 461 persons.  (Editor's Note: While this many people may have access on any given day, realistically a single water source can only support a population of 350-500 people.  This community would be a good candidate for a second project in the future so adequate water is available. To learn more, click here.)


There are permanent classrooms which are swept everyday using brooms since there is no water for washing. There are 5 pit latrines for the girls, 4 for the boys and 1 pit latrines for the teachers. (10 pit latrines in total) The latrines are cleaned every Monday morning and on Fridays morning by pupils. There is a kitchen where meals are prepared for the teachers and with a dish rack outside. There is a rubbish pit where litters are dumped.
There is only one hand washing station in school that serves only teachers.


There is need to rehabilitate the proposed Kharanda Primary school bore hole by reconstructing a well pad, flushing the well and installing a new stainless Affridev Pump that is aimed at improving the sanitation and a hygiene status of the school, and also will save pupils lives since they are likely to fall in an open shallow well where they currently fetch water for their school domestic use.


If the Kharanda Primary School well is Rehabilitated the Pupils, teachers and the community will be the immediate beneficiaries of the proposed rehab project.


The school management committee that has already been formed, has appointed amongst themselves a water committee (comprised teachers, student parents and specific students) that will take charge the management of the well, cleanliness of the school and ensure proper operational and maintenance of the water point to ensure its sustainability. Bridge Water Project staff will train the pupils and teachers who were already part of a hygiene and sanitation committee prior to project implementation.



Water is essential to Life and Health. However, Kharanda Primary school does not have access to safe drinking water. Waterborne diseases have been seen to be the main cause of diseases such as typhoid, cholera dysentery and diarrhea. As per the base-line survey carried out by BWP, it showed that Kharanda Primary School does not practice good hygiene and sanitation.

As a way of helping the pupils and teachers in this school to overcome the outbreaks of the waterborne diseases, BWP staff conducted a full training in Sanitation and Hygiene practices to the pupils. The training was conducted to the class 6 and 7 pupils. The training included;

1. Always consume safe water
This meant that despite the school getting water from a neighboring borehole, it should be treated by either chlorination, filtration or boiling to reduce pathogens before is used for drinking and cooking. Cover and clean all the containers used to collect and store Water.

2. Always safely dispose waste.
As a way of doing this the school has no specific disposal site. "We only clean our latrines once in a week (Monday), we do not wash our classes because of scarcity of water, and this has caused us to be out of school because of sickness, making us perform poorly in our studies", says Rose Wafula, the school Hygiene and Sanitation Prefect. BWP insisted they should keep the school clean by collecting the garbage together and disposing in one proper place.

The emphasis of using latrines in a proper manner and keeping them clean will help uplift the sanitation standards of the pupils and the entire school at large. For more clarification a set of pictures was distributed to the pupils to discuss the good and behavior practice.

3. Wash hands with soap or Ash
The pupils do not practice hand washing at school at all. To emphasize on this, a demonstration of how to wash hands was done by use of water and soap. The pupils were encouraged to always wash hands at critical moments, for example after visiting the toilet, before and after eating, after doing manual work, after greeting others and after playing in the field.

The pupils learned the importance of washing hands every time, which will reduce diarrhea. By doing so they will not fall sick all the time hence making them improves in their academics.


The Construction Team arrived at Kharanda Primary School well prepared for the task. The pupils and teachers were anxiously waiting for them to assist where necessary. The Head Teacher had organized the pupils to clear the well area. The masonry began by removing the broken well pad and the slab to reconstruct. Plastering was done keenly to avoid contamination of water. The well was left to cure for three days.


After the curing of the well pad at Kharanda Primary School, the BWP team mobilized to the site for flushing. This was done by the use of a compressor to clean up the well by airing out the stagnant dirty water to give a room for the recharge of clean and safe water.

After 20 minutes of recharge, the well was installed with a new Afridev Pump. Rising main pipes and stainless steel rods were used during installation process. Faces of joy and happiness from teachers and pupils were all you could see after receiving and started enjoying the services immediately. "We thank the Bridge Water Project for solving Water problem in our school after a very long time of suffering. We anticipate for positive good hygiene and sanitation practices and also good performance in our academics" said Madam Susan Ndombi Sanitation teacher.


We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Hand-dug wells have been an important source of water throughout human history! Now, we have so many different types of water sources, but hand-dug wells still have their place. Hand dug wells are not as deep as borehole wells, and work best in areas where there is a ready supply of water just under the surface of the ground, such as next to a mature sand dam. Our artisans dig down through the layers of the ground and then line the hole with bricks, stone, or concrete, which prevent contamination and collapse. Then, back up at surface level, we install a well platform and a hand pump so people can draw up the water easily.


Project Underwriter - The Fountain United Methodist Church
Prairie Hills School District
Sackville High School
Project Underwriter - The Fountain United Methodist Church
Brownie Troop 4118
St. Agnes Cathedral School
St. Agnes Academy Tiger Girls
Project Underwriter - The Fountain United Methodist Church
Borg & Overström
35 individual donor(s)