Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Aug 2012

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/22/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them edited for clarity: 


Eshikalame Primary School is a day mixed public school started in early 1958. The school begins from nursery to standard eight. On 15th August 1984, the school benefited from Kenya Finland Company Western Rural Water Supply Programme (KEFINCO) who drilled a borehole No. C-5735 of total depth 45m, ground water level 12.91m, the yield is 0.74m3/h was recorded during the borehole development (source of information from data base at the ministry of water Kakamega office). The Indian Mark II pump was installed on 3rd May 1985 which served very well till the year 2007 and broke down hence not being possible for the school to repair since spares are rare. The school committee sought for some assistance from another organization called KWAHO whom they thought could repair or provide another pump but instead the KWAHO people came, took the Mark II pump and never managed to repair and didn’t return the faulty Mark II Pump.


The school currently goes for water from the stream called Mwaloobe located 1/2km from the school compound in the valleys and the quality of water is not good. Turbidity value of water from the stream is 80 below the recommended standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).


The school has a population of 1,237 pupils, 18 teachers and 5 non teaching staff who will directly benefit from the water supply if rehabilitated.


The sanitation and hygiene status of the school is poor since toilets are not cleaned on regular basis. There is no hand washing point in the schools for neither the teachers nor the pupils. 


The pupils of Eshikalame Primary School, their teachers and the community are the direct beneficiaries of the well.


The Bridge Water Project has seen the need to clean the borehole and install an Afridev pump so as to bring it back in use since the current water source for the school and community is unsafe and also the borehole itself is a big investment which should not be left to lay a waste.


The school in collaboration with BWP has already established a water committee which comprises of teaching staff, sanitary prefects and School Infrastructure Committee members (SIC) who will be responsible for water supply maintenance.


We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.


31 individual donors
Ji Eon Kim
Hwa Yeon Han
Seo Yoon Yeo
Jung Min Kim
Na Hee Kim
Seung Min Jeun
Seung Yoon Woo
Seo Hyun Kim
Soo Min Oh
Eun Bin Bae
Se Hyun Park
Ji Eun Lee
Dong Jae Lee
Celina Park
Hyun Ji Um
So Jung Lee
Hae Na Byun
Ah Jin Kim
Soo Bin Yoon
Seun Woo Kim
Do Hoon Lee
Seung Hoon Ha
Soo Yeon Kim
Won Seo Yang
Min Jun Kim
Dong Ha Kim
Seung Hyuk Choi
Hye Eun Kim
Yoon Jin Bae
Chae Won Lee
Eun Kyung Park
Joo Hyun Ha
Ja Ee Son
Ye Lim Lee
IBM Employee Services Center
Holmdel High School/Spanish National Honor Society
K & S Rolloff, Inc.
Kesseli Christmas Donation