Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 400 Served

Project Phase: 
Community Managed
Implementing Partner Monitoring Data Unavailable
Initial Installation: Oct 2012

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them, edited for clarity:


The proposed Mwitseshe Community Well is a community drilled well which was initiated by KEFINCO in the year 1984 and fitted with a NIRA pump. After being used for a long time most parts of the pump got worn out. The community was unable to replace the worn-out parts since they were not available locally. The community was forced to go back to the stream which is 2km away. This has proved to be dangerous since water from the stream is contaminated and causes water bourne diseases such as cholera and typhoid. The community has expressed their wish for the well to be rehabilitated by cleaning and installing an Affridev pump so as to access sufficient, safe and quality water supply.


Currently the community accesses water from Mwitseshe spring located 2km away. The spring is unprotected and none can guarantee the quality of water. The turbidity of the water is 45. Women and young girls have to go through a thick forest of sugarcane plantations hence not guaranteed of their security. Since the spring is open people water their livestock directly hence causing a lot of contamination and as a result many are diagnosed suffering from water bourne diseases.


The community has a population of 60-80 households who will benefit directly from the well.


The sanitation and hygiene status of the community is not well maintained as per observations made by BWP team during its visit. The home compounds are dirty and some homes lack latrines. Since water is far away from the community water usage per person per day is low.


The project will benefit members of the Mwitseshe community whereas some of them are disabled.


BWP has seen the need to consider flushing/cleaning and installing a stainless steel Affridev pump  that will enable the community to make use of water from the well for both domestic and for their livestock hence improving their livelihood, hygiene and sanitation status.


The BWP will facilitate formation of Mwitseshe community water committee prior to the implementation of the rehab project. We shall ensure that the group is registered with Social Services Department and open a bank account in the group’s name where money collected from water consumers will be safeguarded for water supply maintainance.

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.


1 individual donors