This project is part of IcFEM's WaSH program, which includes multiple water source schemes as well as substantial community level hygiene promotion, and training on project operation and maintenance.
What follows is a brief project outline direct from our partner:
Mtambo borehole is located in Lwanda village, Bungoma West District of Bungoma County. The area is mainly occupied by small scale and large scale farmers who grow sugarcane for commercial purposes. Other crops grown in the area include maize, bananas, sunflower, beans and local vegetables.
Despite the high amounts of rainfall (between 1,300mm to 1,800mm per annum) and the huge agricultural potential, a significant portion of the populace in that area are poor as a result of high population growth, low levels of literacy and lack of capital for investment.
Mtambo borehole just like many others in the area was built by KEFINCO in 1978 to provide clean and safe drinking water to the locals who relied on water from rivers. This made them prone to water borne diseases.
However, at the time of our intervention, the site was in deplorable state. The pump broke down and was vandalised (some parts were removed). Members of the community drew water from the borehole using a little container tied to a rope. This was a potential health risk as the cleanliness of the container and the rope could not be guaranteed. The alternative source of water was the risky seasonal river in the area which is 3 kilometres away.
Among the reasons given by the community for the poor state of the site include poor management and an ineffective water management committee that was not properly empowered.
A new committee has now been set up and trained on its responsibilities to ensure sustainability. The community has agreed to work with the Mission and rehabilitate the site to solve the perennial water problem in the area and minimise the risk of infections.