This project is part of IcFEM's WaSH program, which includes multiple water source schemes as well as substantial community level hygiene promotion, and training on project operation and maintenance.
What follows is a brief project outline direct from our partner:
Brief Background:
The borehole is located in Mikhuyu village, Kamusinga sub-location, Chebukwabi Location in Bungoma County. The locals are mainly subsistence farmers growing crops like bananas, maize, beans, coffee and keeping livestock.
The area receives rainfall ranging between 750mm and 1,500mm per annum. There are seasonal rivers in the area which act as a source of water for many families. However, availability of clean water for domestic use is still a concern for the locals. Water borne diseases have reduced significantly due to the community education on sanitation and hygiene carried out in the LTU.
Mikhuyu Community borehole was constructed by KEFINCO in 1998. However, no pump was installed and the borehole was left open. Nevertheless, the people have been using the water for domestic purposes. The alternative is an unprotected spring 1 kilometre away. The completion of that borehole will therefore solve the problem of many residents in the area.