Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 412 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Oct 2014

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 03/12/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them:


The proposed Amusere Primary School is a mixed day primary school started in 1992 by concerted efforts of Amusere Community members after seeing their children walking long distance to the schools looking for primary schools education. Due to distance, most of their children were dropping out of school, which was consequently leading to high number of illiteracy in the area.

In the year 1995, Kenya Finland Western Water Supply Agency visited the Amusere Primary school and dug a shallow well water point which records a total depth of 52 Feet, cased with a concrete measuring 24 inches high x 36 inches diameter from the bottom to the top. The well records water rest level of 9 meters with its turbidity value of 5 meeting the (WHO) recommended parameters of the same well for lab analysis and it was recommended that water is good for both human drinking and for animal use.

However, the well had installed a NIRA 85 pump which could not be repaired when it eventually did break down, because of the unavailability of spare parts in the local market, the school management and entire community were unable to repair it. When it came to their attention that, there’s an organization called BWP dealing with rehabilitation of failed water points, they made an application to Bridge Water Project requesting for an intervention towards repairing their school water point.


Currently the Amusere Primary school gets it’s water from the Amukowa spring which is 1 ½ km from the school. The spring is not protected thus the water that is being consumed by Amusere pupils and the community is contaminated.


Amusere primary school has an enrollment of 168 boys, 232 girls and 12 teachers total of 412 people.


The school has permanent classrooms, which are washed twice per week Monday and Fridays, pit latrines 3 for boys, 3 for girls and 1 for teachers, which are cleaned every morning. The latrines are almost full.

There is one hand washing point outside the staff room, this shows that pupils don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. The composite pit is available where liters are dumped.


If the Amusere primary school water point is rehabilitated, pupils/teachers and entire Amusere community will be the beneficiaries.


There is need to reconstruct the well pad and install a new stainless steel Affridev pump, so as to enable pupils to fetch water without straining and to improve the quality of water without interference of foreign bodies like ropes, jericans etc.

That with good functioning pump sanitation and hygiene of the school and the community will greatly improve.


The school management committee will select among themselves a water committee that will manage the water point and ensure its sustainability. Before the implementation of the rehab project BWP staff will train the committee on operation, maintenance and management of the facility.

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.


Project Sponsor - Yakima Foursquare Church