This project was implemented by another partner, but is now monitored and maintained by The Water Project together with Mariatu's Hope.
The community of Lungi, Kasongha is located in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone. This well was constructed last year. This year the well only had 12 inches of water in it. The community was getting their water from a river and this water would cause cholera, dysentery, typhoid and malaria. The team added two additional casing and sank them leaving a good amount of water in the well. The pump that was used on the well last year was a used pump and in bad shape. A new afridev was placed in the well. Most people in the community earn a living through farming and teaching. The community helped out with the project by providing materials, food and security. When the project was complete, the community established a point person to be the caretaker of the well.
Testimony from a community member:
Alusine Conteh, 39 year old farmer spoke with the team about the water needs. "I really appreciate the fact that we now have water again in this well. Well water is much better to drink with a hand pump than drinking from the stream which is filthy. Thank you!"
WATSAN Training:
This community received hygiene training not only from hygiene specialist, Zainab Sesay, but also the students from DC Kasongha Primary School, a school where we have done SSHE and SLTS. This community has been targeted for ODF status with the students leading the way to sensitize them on the importance of good hygiene and sanitation. There were 100 adults and 60 children who attended this hygiene training. 80 ORS spoons were distributed. The people of the community really appreciated the training and said that they were going to put what they learned into practice. This was a very large, challenging hygiene training session. The community appreciated the hygiene training and were excited about the student participation. The team thought it was fantastic to see the children putting what they learned into practice, sharing their knowledge with the adults in their community.