The community of Magbamamaty is located in the Koya Rural district of Sierra Leone. The village was thankful to see the team driving through there and asked them how their old pump was working. The team noticed that the pump had been broken for about a month. The cylinder, sucker rods were broken, the rising main was rusted and the pump handle was worn out. The community helped the team with the repair by providing materials, labor and food. The old pump and old base was pulled and a new base and an Afridev pump was installed. The transformation was beautiful and the team was happy for this opportunity to help out this community. When the project was complete, the community established a point person to be the caretaker of the well. Most people in the community earn a living through selling food, farming and petty trading.
Rugi Kanu, 50 year old garden worker spoke with the team about the water needs for her community. "The new hand pump is fine. The water from the well tasted bad before. The water from the swamp tasted better. The water from the well smelled bad and was rusty with speck of rust in it. I’m thankful for the new hand pump and the water. I can’t wait to drink i!"
The community gathered with the team to pray before the work began each day. The community gathered around the well and the gospel was presented with bible being distributed and the well was dedicated to Daddy God. The community was so thankful for this cup of water. The team was thankful that God ordered their steps to this village.
Hygiene Training:
There were 25 women and 19 children who attended this hygiene training. Twenty-five ORS spoons were distributed. The participants were actively engaged in the lessons and had a really good time. A good amount of time was spent on the need for this community to construct native toilets for each house, as it is an open defecation community. The team explained why they should do this and the majority of the participants grimaced as they explained that they were eating each other's excretement. They appreciated the teaching. Lessons included germs/disease transmission, proper hand washing techniques, healthy/unhealthy communities, ORS (oral rehydration solution), proper care of the pump, keeping the water clean, good-bad hygiene behaviors and disease transmission stories.