Koyah Dreams of Succesful Entrepreneurship!

February, 2025

A year ago, your generous donation helped the Kayrefay Community in Sierra Leone access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Koyah Conteh. Thank you!

Last year, your gift unlocked the potential for a brighter future for Koyah Conteh. Since then, she and the Kayrefay Community of 131 residents have had clean, reliable water. Your contribution has made a significant impact. Thank you for making a difference!

"I like fetching water from this source because it is well protected and it [is] within the community."

Before the Well Installation

Like many in Sierra Leone, age name is responsible for collecting water to meet daily water needs. Before last year’s water intervention, this task stole her time and negatively affected her.

A community member collecting water at the previous water source.

Drinking the water caused severe consequences. Many in the community suffered from waterborne diseases that created health problems, affecting their daily lives. Limited accessibility also meant people wasted time collecting sufficient water to meet their needs. The difficult journey to collect water sapped their physical and emotional energy, creating roadblocks. For Koyah, in particular, it lessened her opportunity to care for her family.

"It was really difficult to get water before the completion of this project. This is because of the long distance I used to walk before getting the quantity of water I needed. The water was not also safe, because it is open and contaminated," said Koyah.

Since the Well Installation

Your generous gift last year was much more than a simple donation; it was a powerful statement about your commitment to this community and Koyah’s future. By supporting the water solution, you made clean water an everyday reality, fostering hope for a brighter future.

Reliable and clean water lays the groundwork for improved health, education, and economic possibilities, allowing people to thrive. We frequently hear from those we interview that "water is life!"

"Living with clean water will provide safe water and improve health. Fetching water has become easy and fast compared to the past. I can now fetch water within the shortest possible time," said Koyah.

The Future is Looking Bright!

A year ago, you made a difference for Koyah and the rest of her community. This is just the first chapter of their story as access to clean water continues to improve their lives!

At The Water Project, we value sustainability and want to ensure that people continue to thrive. We commit to monitoring this project to ensure the water is always flowing and safe to consume. We inspect the system hardware, track water availability, conduct sanitary inspections, and collect water quality samples to identify risks. We work with our team on the ground to resolve them.

You gave Koyah a crucial tool for achieving her dreams: access to clean water. Together, we can excitedly expect that with this precious resource, her enthusiasm and courage will help fulfill her dreams.

"My dream for the future is to become a successful entrepreneur. The completed waterpoint has helped me and the community in the construction of houses. Different community members of this community fetch water from this water point and use it in the construction of their various houses," said Koyah.

Koyah collecting water.

Navigating through intense dry spells, performing preventative maintenance, conducting quality repairs when needed and continuing to assist community leaders to manage water points are all normal parts of keeping projects sustainable. The Water Promise community supports ongoing sustainability programs that help Kayrefay Community maintain access to safe, reliable water.

We’d love for you to join this world-changing group committed to sustainability.

The most impactful way to continue your support of Kayrefay Community – and hundreds of other places just like this – is by joining our community of monthly givers.

Your monthly giving will help provide clean water, every month... keeping The Water Promise.

Project Status

Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump

Regional Program: Port Loko, Sierra Leone WaSH Program

Impact: 131 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Feb 2024

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 02/07/2025

Project Features

Click icons to learn about each feature.

Community Profile

The only source of water for the 131 people of Kayrefay is a stream in the local swamp.

"The first time I went [to] see the source of water this community [is] drinking from, I was shocked," said our field officer, Alie. "It is not safe to drink because they do not chlorinate the water and do not test it. Truly, it is not safe to drink. There are [a] lot of contaminants in the water, such as spirogyra (algae), pebbles, [and] sludge. I [would] not drink such water."

Community members reported cases of typhoid and dysentery when drinking the water and itchy rashes when bathing with it.

"The water becomes dirty after [a] few people have fetched water from the stream," said 35-year-old trader Fatmata Kamara (shown above bringing water home from the swamp). "At that time, I have to wait before fetching clean water to my house. This also wastes my time to trade. The dirty water is not good for drinking. I fetch it to drink because there is no clean water that I can easily fetch. I know that it is not good for my health to drink dirty water, but I have no choice."

Some people in the village live a 30-minute walk from the swamp, which makes getting enough water for anything especially difficult and time-consuming. But even for those closest to the water source, the trip is not easy — the path to the swamp is hilly, rocky, and highly vegetated, which exhausts the women and children responsible for fetching water and frightens them, as snakes and other wildlife lie in wait for the unwary.

"I become worried every day when my children go to fetch water from the stream," Fatmata said. "They walk through a bush road to the stream to fetch water. It is risky because of poisonous animals like snakes, which can easily bite people."

Every dry season, water gets scarce, and the little water that remains in the swamp pool turns "milky." So community members deepen the swamp pool in an effort to get more water from underground. But this is only a temporary measure - the next dry season, women will line up along the sides of the pool, waiting for water to filter up through the ground so they can collect any quantity for their use at home.

"It is very difficult to fetch water in this village," said Fatmata. "It becomes more difficult during the dry season when there is [a] low water level in the stream."

"Life in this village is not easy for me because of the challenges fetching water," said 15-year-old Maseray K (shown below). "During the dry season, I could not sleep 'til daybreak because I need to wake up very early in the morning to rush to the stream to fetch water. If I delay going to the stream, it will be hard for me to fetch clean water. The water [will] be dirty after [a] few people had fetched water from the stream, especially in the morning."

Maseray's family makes palm oil as their main source of livelihood. But as the water levels in the swamp continue to decrease, this has become increasingly burdensome, and consequently, her household income reduces.

"I fetch water after school to process palm oil," Maseray explained. "During the weekend, I spend more of my time fetching water to process palm oil. It has always been very difficult for me to fetch water for palm oil production. Carrying water on my head from the far stream is not easy, especially when I have to make more trips. The time and energy that I use to fetch water is too much for me. I become tired after fetching water all day to process palm oil. I cannot read my school notes at night after I have fetched many trips."

With a source of reliable, safe water right in Kayrefay, the time people spend collecting water will reduce. Everyday tasks like laundry, dishes, and bathing will be easier, and will hopefully be completed more often. After this change, life will hopefully improve for Kayrefay's people.

What We Can Do:

New Well

Where we will be drilling is centrally located and will relieve many people of the long journey to fetch water and the challenge of accessing clean water.

Our team will drive over the LS200 mud rotary drill rig and set up camp for a couple of nights. Once the well is drilled to a sufficient water column, it will be cased, developed, and then tested. If these tests are positive, our mechanics will install a new India Mark II pump.

By drilling this borehole, the surrounding community will be provided with plenty of accessible, clean drinking water.


There will be hygiene and sanitation training sessions offered for three days in a row.

Community members will learn how to make a hands-free handwashing station called the "tippy-tap." We will use these tippy taps for handwashing demonstrations and will also teach about other tools like dish racks and the importance of properly penning in animals. We will highlight the need to keep restrooms clean, among many other topics.

This training will also strengthen a water user committee that will manage and maintain this new well. They will enforce proper behavior and report to us whenever they need our help in solving a serious problem, like a pump breakdown.

Project Updates

February, 2024: Kayrefay Community New Well Complete!

We are excited to share that there is now a safe, reliable borehole well at Kayrefay Community. As a result, community members no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We also conducted hygiene and sanitation training, which focused on healthy practices such as handwashing and using latrines.

Celebrating clean water!

"This water point is a blessing for me as a school-going girl. Thank you for this goodness in my community," said 15-year-old Maseray K.

"I always faced punishment in school because of my lateness, and the distance from my community to the school is too far, and I always walk to school. Sometimes, I am even absent from school because by the time I finish fetching water [I] am already late for school. But now that we have this water point in our community, I will no longer go to school late. No more going to the stream in search of water," Maseray said.

Maseray splashing.

"With this water point in my community, I believe my educational goals will now come to pass. I will now achieve my plans, like always going to school early, always being present in school, have enough time for my studies," she concluded.

"I'm very happy for this water point in my community because we have suffered for so long in terms of having safe drinking water. The swamp water is not pure to perform ablution, let alone to drink," said 30-year-old farmer Koyah Conteh.

Koyah splashing clean water.

"Now that this water point is in my community, [I] am so glad because my children will no longer go to the stream to fetch contaminated water. I used to wake my children to go in search of water at the stream because if you don't go to the stream very early, the water will get dirty by other community members that went to the stream early. But now that we have this water point in our community, all our constraints are over. My children will now go to school early. They will not face any punishment from their teachers. I also will prepare food for my family early. I will now spend enough time at the market to sell all my goods," continued Koyah.

"I now have access to water that is clean. I do believe that my health will no longer be affected. The money I used to spend to buy medication or go to the hospital will be used to do something else. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for this water point in our community. You are our life savers. May God bless you all," concluded Koyah.

We held a dedication ceremony to officially hand over the well to the community members. Several local dignitaries attended the ceremony, including Mr. Abu Bakarr Bangura, a Port Loko District Council representative, and Mr. Osman Fofanah from the Ministry of Water Resources. Each official gave a short speech thanking everyone who contributed to this water project and reminding everyone to take good care of it. Then, Koyah and Maseray made statements on their community's behalf.


Field Officer Fatmata Kalokoh said the community members sang various songs in their local languages, Krio and Temne. Dancing was a part of their celebration, too. The other community members used empty rubber containers as musical instruments. The children participated excitedly during the dedication. They clapped and sang the songs with the rest of the crowd.

New Well

The drill team arrived the day before beginning work. They set up camp and unpacked all their tools and supplies to prepare for drilling the next day. The community provided space for the team to store their belongings and meals for the duration of their stay.

The next day, the team began to drill. We reached a final depth of 18 meters. The team did a soil test and forcefully pumped clean water into the well to remove any dirt and debris from the drilling process.


Next, the team bailed the well and flushed it, clearing any debris generated by the drilling process. This well has a static water level of 8 meters. Finally, we tested the yield to ensure the well would provide clean water with minimal effort at the pump.


As the project neared completion, we built a cement platform, walls, and drainage system around the well to seal it from surface-level contaminants. The drainage system helps to redirect runoff and spilled water to help avoid standing water at the well, which can be uncomfortable and unhygienic and a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Installing the pump.

At last, we installed the pump and conducted a water quality test. The test results showed that this was clean water fit for drinking! After that, we contacted the community to schedule the dedication for the well.

New Knowledge

Before conducting any hygiene training, we called and visited the local water user committee to understand the community's challenges and lack of sanitation facilities. We shared the findings from our discussions with the committee members to help them make the necessary adjustments before the training began. For example, we identified households without handwashing stations or ones that may need to repair their latrines. With this information, community members worked together to improve hygiene and sanitation at home.

After this preparatory period, we scheduled a time when members from each household using the water point could attend a three-day hygiene and sanitation training. We then dispatched our teams to the agreed-upon location to hold the meeting.

Trainers Fatmata Kalokoh and Hemore Nyuma shared that the training was held at the headman's compound, which the community people chose because the area is convenient for them. Before the team's arrival each day, the members of the Water User Committee made sure the gathering area was clean and that there were benches, chairs, and tables set up.

There were 101 participants present over the three days of training.

Dental hygiene sesssion.

Training topics covered included handwashing and tippy taps, good and bad hygiene habits, teen pregnancy, worms and parasites, proper dental hygiene, menstrual hygiene, proper care of the well's pump, keeping the water clean, the cost recovery system, the importance of using dish racks and clotheslines, the importance of toilets, keeping latrines clean, balanced diets, the diarrhea doll, and disease transmission and prevention (including COVID-19, Ebola, Hepatitis, HIV and AIDS).

Learning about disease transmission.

One of the most memorable topics discussed was the need for women to receive prenatal care and experience safe deliveries at nearby health facilities instead of relying on traditional herbs.

One courageous participant, N'mah Kargbo, shared her story. "Two months after I got married. I got my first pregnancy. So, my husband took me to my mother so that I could stay with her until I "put to bed" (went into labor). At that time, I was one month pregnant."

"Unfortunately, there were no health facilities in the community where my mother stayed. As a result, I never visited any hospital for an antenatal checkup. My mother always went to the bush in search of local leaves that would be used as herbs. She returned with different kinds of leaves. She washed all the leaves, put them together in a pot filled with water, and boiled them till the color of the water changed. She then turned the colored water into a calabash. I would drink this herb twice a day, early in the morning and late in the evening. Ignorantly, I thought these herbs would be helpful to me and the baby until I experienced labor pain. Then, my mother took me to one of the Traditional Birth Attendants in the village," continued N'mah.

"They took a razor blade and used it on me so that the baby would have a passage to come out. I was in great pain. No form of chloroform was applied. I bled so badly that I became extremely weak. Although I eventually delivered the baby, I ended up losing the baby. I wept bitterly for my loss. But there was no way since the harm [had] already been done," said N'mah.

"From that day, I hate all forms of local herbs and traditional healers. I decided to make the hospital my friend. Based on my decision, I never lost any of [my] children since I went to the hospital during and after pregnancy. Today, I have four children, and they are all doing fine. That is why I want to encourage all of us, especially the women, to visit the hospital during and after pregnancy. This will save us a lot," concluded N'mah.

Participants construct tippy tap handwashing stations.

Another impactful session focused on the use of clotheslines to prevent contamination. In this community, it is common for people to spread out their wet, laundered clothes on the ground and bushes to dry.

Participant Adama Kamara recounted her experience. "My family has faced such a problem [a] few months back when I gave birth to my daughter. Because of a lack of knowledge in such, I normally launder and spread the napkins (diapers) and clothes on the ground to dry. Personally, I believe when you spread your clothes on the ground, it gets dry easily without knowing the dangers behind it. There came a time when my daughter's body started experiencing itching and rashes. We tried our best to solve the problem by using native herbs but to no avail. After three days, we visited the hospital for [a] checkup and treatment. The in-charge [nurse] of the Community Healthy Center administered treatment and gave us antibacterial cream to apply on the baby. We continued the treatment at home, and eventually, the problem [was] solved."

Learning about the importance of using a clothesline.

After understanding what was being shared about the importance of using a clothesline to keep wet clothes up off the ground, Adama excused herself from the training, ran across the road, and collected her clothes drying on the ground into a rubber bucket. On her return to the training session, she expressed her gratitude for her new knowledge and said she would ask her husband to construct a clothesline for her to use.

"Interestingly, the next day, for the hygiene and sanitation training, we left the office, and before the hygiene training, Adama called us to show us the clothesline her husband had prepared at their house. When the training started, the team congratulated her and encouraged the others to do the same so their lives would be safe and free from all ground bacteria," shared trainer Fatmata Kalokoh.


This project required a substantial collaboration between our staff, our in-country teams, and the community members. When an issue arises concerning the well, community members are equipped with the necessary skills to rectify the problem and ensure the water point works appropriately. However, if the issue is beyond their capabilities, they can contact their local field officers to assist them.

Also, we will continue to offer them unmatchable support as a part of our monitoring and maintenance program. We walk with each community, problem-solving together when they face challenges with functionality, seasonality, or water quality. Together, all these components help us strive for enduring access to reliable, clean, and safe water for this community.

With your contribution, one more piece has been added to a large puzzle of water projects. In Kenya, Uganda, and Sierra Leone, we're working toward complete coverage. That means reliable, maintained water sources within a 30-minute round trip for each community, household, school, and health center. With this in mind, search through our upcoming projects to see which community you can help next!

Thank you for making all of this possible!

January, 2024: Kayrefay Community Well Underway!

The lack of adequate water in Kayrefay Community costs people time, energy, and health every single day. Clean water scarcity contributes to community instability and diminishes individuals’ personal progress.

But thanks to your recent generosity, things will soon improve here. We are now working to install a reliable water point and improve hygiene standards. We look forward to sharing inspiring news in the near future!

Project Photos


Project Sponsor - Da Bomb Bath Fizzers
13 individual donor(s)