Project Status

Project Type:  Borehole Well and Hand Pump

Regional Program: Port Loko, Sierra Leone WaSH Program

Impact: 143 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Apr 2024

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/23/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

17-year-old Emma B. is greatly affected by the lack of clean water sources available in her community. She is not alone since 143 other people are living in her community of Komrabai who all need a clean water solution.

"I find it very difficult to fetch water for my parents, especially in the morning hours. For me to fetch water, I must walk a far distance to the stream water source. Fetching water from this source is hard because the hill is difficult to climb. This situation really affects me, especially when I want to go to school," said Emma, shown below collecting swamp water.

Even though Emma finds it challenging to make it to the stream (swamp) even once, she inevitably ends up having to return several times a day to meet her family's needs. Her only alternative is to visit a hand-dug well in a neighboring community, but that is a risky endeavor.

"There are times I would go to the alternate source to fetch water. The thing that [makes] me more terrified is the crossing of the highway to the water point. This is very risky because trucks, vehicles, and motorbikes pass at a high speed on the highway," said Emma.

The well is also so overcrowded she wastes even more time than it would take at the swamp.

"Another challenge I face is that it is difficult for me to fetch water on time from this source," Emma said.

Whenever Emma gets to the water point, there is already a line of containers reserving spots for community members, sometimes placed there even before the well opens. She cannot cut the line, so she has no choice but to wait, which often makes her late to school or unable to collect sufficient water to meet her family's needs.

45-year-old Fatmata Bangura faces similar challenges to Emma when she tries to collect enough water to take care of her household responsibilities and still get to the market on time to make her living as a trader.

"The water situation in this community is really affecting [me] because we do not have any wells in our community," said Fatmata. "Ever since I migrated to this community, I have been fetching water from the stream. Fetching water from this source is very challenging for me due to the walking distance and the dangerous road to walk to the water source. One would take more than half an hour to do a single trip. I normally do six trips [in] a day, three in the morning and three in the evening."

Fatmata continued: "Most times, I would still manage to fetch the water and then sieve it with [a] white cloth for the dirt not to pass through. There are times the water would still be dirty even after sieving [it] unless I wait for [the] sediment to [settle]. This waiting time affects me, especially when I want to cook."

When Fatmata knows she doesn't have time to wait, she is brave and takes the risk of crossing the busy road to the hand-dug well.

"There are times I would not be able to sieve the water, so I would end up going to the well that is over the street to fetch water for drinking and cooking," Fatmata said. "Fetching water from this source is equally challenging because of the highway. I could hardly cross the highway with [a] bucket of water on my head because of the frequent passing of vehicles. Most times, I would put the container on the ground since I would be tired of waiting for the vehicles to pass."

"Increased water collection time reduces the amount of water that a household uses per day, effectively reducing the amount of clean water available for drinking, cooking and hygiene practices." - Science Direct

Not only is it risky for Fatmata and her fellow community members to get to the water point across the road, but as Emma mentioned earlier, she also faces the challenge of the water source being overcrowded.

"Another challenge I face is that the water source is mainly congested with people. This situation affects me, especially when I want to sell. I would spend [a] long time waiting at the water point whilst customers would be asking for me at home. This situation makes [me] lose customers because at the time they want to buy cooking condiments from me, I would not be at home," said Fatmata.

With so much energy spent getting to water sources and so much time wasted waiting to collect water, it is a challenge in Komrabai to take care of essential tasks. Community members do their best, yet without time and water inevitably some chores go undone. Worse, some people needlessly suffer from water-related illnesses that only compound their challenges.

By putting a well in the community that provides clean, safe water, there is hope that people's health will improve, and water access will be much quicker and less labor-intensive so community members can complete the daily tasks that are important to them.

"I would be glad if we could get a new water point. All the water constraints I am presently undergoing would become history," Fatmata concluded.

What We Can Do:

New Well

Where we will be drilling is centrally located and will relieve many people of the long journey to fetch water and the challenge of accessing clean water.

Our team will drive over the LS200 mud rotary drill rig and set up camp for a couple of nights. Once the well is drilled to a sufficient water column, it will be cased, developed, and then tested. If these tests are positive, our mechanics will install a new India Mark II pump.

Once we drill this borehole, the surrounding community will be provided with plenty of accessible, clean drinking water.


There will be hygiene and sanitation training sessions offered for three days in a row.

Community members will learn how to make a hands-free handwashing station called the "tippy-tap." We will use these tippy taps for handwashing demonstrations and will also teach about other tools like dish racks and the importance of properly penning in animals. We will highlight the need to keep restrooms clean, among many other topics.

This training will also strengthen a water user committee that will manage and maintain this new well. They will enforce proper behavior and report to us whenever they need our help in solving a serious problem, like a pump breakdown.

Project Updates

April, 2024: Komrabai Community New Well Complete!

We are excited to share that there is now a safe, reliable borehole well at Komrabai Community. As a result, the community members no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We also conducted hygiene and sanitation training, focusing on healthy practices such as handwashing and latrines.

"As a trader, it is an opportunity to have a water source close to me. There will be sufficient water for me, and I will not need to go to faraway swamps to fetch water. Since the water well is close to me, I will be able to make more profit than before, for I now have more time to meet with my regular customers," said 45-year-old farmer Fatmata Bangura.

Fatmata drinking clean water.

"This new well will help me solve all the problems I have been facing when it comes to water. It has impacted my life by providing enough water for me. I will be able to achieve my goal of going to school on time, and I [will] have enough time to study. I will also have time to help my mother to clean the compound and do some household chores," said 18-year-old Emma.

Emma celebrating clean water.

We held a dedication ceremony to officially hand over the well to the community members. Several local dignitaries attended the ceremony, including representatives from the Ministry of Water Resources and the Port Loko District Council. Each official gave a short speech thanking everyone who contributed to this water project and reminding everyone to take good care of it. Then, Fatmata and Emma made statements on their community's behalf. The ceremony concluded with celebration, singing, and dancing.

New Well

The drill team arrived the day before beginning work. They set up camp and unpacked all their tools and supplies to prepare for drilling the next day. The community provided space for the team to store their belongings and meals for the duration of their stay.

The next day, the team began to drill. We reached a final depth of 22 meters. The team did a soil test and forcefully pumped clean water into the well to remove any dirt and debris from the drilling process.


Next, the team bailed the well and flushed it, clearing any debris generated by the drilling process. This well has a static water level of 13 meters. Finally, we tested the yield to ensure the well would provide clean water with minimal effort at the pump.

As the project neared completion, we built a cement platform, walls, and drainage system around the well to seal it from surface-level contaminants. The drainage system redirects runoff and spilled water to avoid standing water at the well, which can be uncomfortable and unhygienic and a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

At last, we installed the pump and conducted a water quality test. The test results showed that this was clean water fit for drinking!

New Knowledge

Before conducting any hygiene training, we called and visited the local water user committee to understand the community's challenges and lack of sanitation facilities. We shared the findings from our discussions with the committee members to help them make the necessary adjustments before the training began. For example, we identified households without handwashing stations or ones that may need to repair their latrines. With this information, community members worked together to improve hygiene and sanitation at home.

After this preparatory period, we scheduled a time for members from each household using the water point to attend three days of hygiene and sanitation training. We then dispatched our teams to the agreed-upon location to hold the meeting.

Learning about the importance of mosquito nets to prevent malaria.

We also invited a nurse from the local clinic to help explain some topics and spread awareness about Sierra Leone's free vaccinations for children under five. The nurse was instrumental in reinforcing each lesson.

Training topics covered included handwashing and tippy taps, good and bad hygiene habits, teen pregnancy, worms and parasites, proper dental hygiene, menstrual hygiene, proper care of the well's pump, keeping the water clean, the cost recovery system, the importance of using dish racks and clotheslines, the importance of toilets, keeping latrines clean, balanced diets, the diarrhea doll, and disease transmission and prevention (including COVID-19, Ebola, Hepatitis, HIV and AIDS).

The topic of worms and parasites was a memorable topic during the training. The visiting nurse explained the risks of parasitic worm infection and advised participants to take care of the water they drink and cover the food they eat to avoid contamination. She also outlined the signs and symptoms a person may notice if they have worms and encouraged participants to seek medical care if they notice any of these signs.

"The participants were happy about the topic and the way the nurse presented it to them. One of the participants thanked the nurse for her good work and the new knowledge," said Field Officer Alimamy Lamin Kanu.

Learning proper handwashing techniques.

"The training was important to me because I have learned that washing my hands after using the toilet makes me stay safe and healthy. The lesson has made me learn that handwashing is paramount to our health and can prevent us from certain illnesses. The facilitators also taught me how to construct a tippy tap, which I will use to wash my hands frequently after using the toilet. As a participant, I will also use the opportunity to train those not here. With this knowledge, they will know the importance of washing their hands frequently so they will prevent themselves from disease transmission. So, I want to thank you all for impacting [me with] this new knowledge," shared Fatmata (quoted earlier).


This project required a substantial collaboration between our staff, our in-country teams, and the community members. When an issue arises concerning the well, community members are equipped with the necessary skills to rectify the problem and ensure the water point works appropriately. However, if the issue is beyond their capabilities, they can contact their local field officers to assist them.

Also, we will continue to offer them unmatchable support as a part of our monitoring and maintenance program. We walk with each community, problem-solving together when they face challenges with functionality, seasonality, or water quality. Together, all these components help us strive for enduring access to reliable, clean, and safe water for this community.

With your contribution, one more piece has been added to a large puzzle of water projects. In Kenya, Uganda, and Sierra Leone, we're working toward complete coverage. That means reliable, maintained water sources within a 30-minute round trip for each community, household, school, and health center. With this in mind, search through our upcoming projects to see which community you can help next!

Thank you for making all of this possible!

February, 2024: Komrabai Community New Well Underway!

The lack of adequate water in Komrabai Community costs people time, energy, and health every single day. Clean water scarcity contributes to community instability and diminishes individuals’ personal progress.

But thanks to your recent generosity, things will soon improve here. We are now working to install a reliable water point and improve hygiene standards. We look forward to sharing inspiring news in the near future!

Project Photos

Project Type

Abundant water is often right under our feet! Beneath the Earth’s surface, rivers called aquifers flow through layers of sediment and rock, providing a constant supply of safe water. For borehole wells, we drill deep into the earth, allowing us to access this water which is naturally filtered and protected from sources of contamination at the surface level. First, we decide where to drill by surveying the area and determining where aquifers are likely to sit. To reach the underground water, our drill rigs plunge through meters (sometimes even hundreds of meters!) of soil, silt, rock, and more. Once the drill finds water, we build a well platform and attach a hand pump. If all goes as planned, the community is left with a safe, closed water source providing around five gallons of water per minute! Learn more here!


69 individual donor(s)