Project Status

Project Type:  Borehole Well and Hand Pump

Regional Program: Port Loko, Sierra Leone WaSH Program

Impact: 513 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jan 2025

Functionality Status:  Functional

Project Features

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Community Profile

At Bundulai DEC Primary School, 513 students and staff endure a disheartening water crisis daily. Little time can be dedicated to their education, as most time is spent searching, waiting, or fighting for water.

Their well once had a pump but has since broken down. To collect water, if there is some available, they must drop a bucket on a rope down into the well and haul it back up. Otherwise, they must leave the school campus to collect water from unknown sources.

"Water [has] been a challenging factor in this school. The well in this school compound does not produce safe water for the pupils and staff. The pupils leave classes to fetch water for drinking. The source for drinking is about 400 meters (.25 miles) away from the school. That is why they sometimes miss the lessons taught by their class teachers," shared Field Officer Alimamy.

"The teachers also leave the pupils alone in the class when they need water. They sometimes fight amongst themselves, and this could lead to serious injury among the pupils. Their academic performance is also affected because their teachers are not teaching effectively. Water challenges prevent the staff and pupils from using the restroom. They leave the school compound; this habit also affects their academic performance," Alimamy continued.

Not only does the water crisis affect their education and hygiene, but many students must try to focus on an empty stomach, as their school lunch program can't operate without water.

"There is a school feeding program; those who are cooking are unable to cook on time due to the lack of water in the school. The staff and pupils are unable to get sufficient water for drinking after eating," Alimamy added.

38-year-old Mariatu Kamara, seen in the classroom below, shared her experience at the school, "As a teacher and also a resident of this community, I am always in dire need of water. I am also part of the women that are preparing food for the pupils. I spend a lot of time searching for water; that is why we are always unable to prepare food on time for the pupils."

"As a housewife, I need water to do my household activities. [From] February to April, when there is a total water shortage in the community, I find it difficult to clean the compound and the bathroom. I am also unable to launder my clothes. That is why I store a lot of dirty clothes that will harbor a lot of mice in the house," she added.

"I need water to [bring to] school, but it will not be possible. As a result of this, I am always late to go to school to teach. This will have a negative impact on the lives of the pupils as I may not be able to complete the school syllabus and hence lead to the poor performance of the pupils. I am also unable to use the restroom in the school because there is not sufficient [water for the] school. The only option I have is to go out of the school premises," continued Mariatu.

10-year-old Fatmata S, seen above, is familiar with the hardships this water crisis produces in her life. She said, "As a student, I need water when I am in school. I am always afraid to drink water from the well in our school because the water is not safe and can cause frequent stooling and stomach aches. That's [the] reason why I always go home when I want to drink. I normally leave the class without the permission of the teacher. When [I] come back, my teacher always flogs me for not taking an excuse."

"I am also afraid to use the restroom because there is not enough water in the school. The restroom always produces an odor that is unpleasant for me, and some students may defecate [out] of the restroom," Fatmata added.

"My parents always need water. I normally fetch water before going to school. I am responsible for fetching water for cooking and other household activities. There is always congestion at the water source, especially in the dry season. I am unable to come to school on time, and I always miss lessons that are taught by my class teacher. My academic performance is always affected because of the water crisis in the school and the community," she continued.

"It will be a great opportunity if a water well is constructed in this community and the school. So, I will be able to use it in school and at home," concluded Mariatu.

"If there is sufficient water, I will be able to help in cleaning the restroom, so it will be a safer place for my colleagues and me. I will be happy if this well is renovated in our school," Fatmata added.

The rehabilitation of the school's well will enable teachers like Mariatu to meet both her students and her family's needs. Then, she can prioritize her time to fully invest in helping her students create a brighter future. Hopefully, students like Fatmata will have a lighter burden to carry regarding water for their school and homes and waste less time searching and waiting for water and more time learning.

The Proposed Solution, Determined Together...

At The Water Project, everyone has a part in conversations and solutions. We operate in transparency, believing it benefits everyone. We expect reliability from one another as well as our water solutions. Everyone involved makes this possible through hard work and dedication.

In a joint discovery process, community members determine their most advantageous water solution alongside our technical experts. Read more specifics about this solution on the What We're Building tab of this project page. Then, community members lend their support by collecting needed construction materials (sometimes for months ahead of time!), providing labor alongside our artisans, sheltering and feeding the builders, and supplying additional resources.

Water Access for Everyone

This water project is one piece in a large puzzle. In Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda, we're working toward complete coverage of reliable, maintained water sources that guarantee public access now and in the future within a 30-minute round trip for each community, household, school, and health center. One day, we hope to report that this has been achieved!

Training on Health, Hygiene & More

With the community's input, we've identified topics where training will increase positive health outcomes at personal, household, and community levels. We'll coordinate with them to find the best training date. Some examples of what we train communities on are:

  • Improved hygiene, health, and sanitation habits
  • Safe water handling, storage & treatment
  • Disease prevention and proper handwashing
  • Income-generation
  • Community leadership, governance, & election of a water committee
  • Operation and maintenance of the water point

Project Updates

January, 2025: Bundulai DEC Primary School Well Complete!

We are excited to share that your donation provided a safe, reliable well at Bundulai DEC Primary School. Although the original plan was to rehabilitate the well, when that became impossible because we hit impassable clay, we pursued another option: drilling an entirely new well. As a result, students and teachers no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We also conducted hygiene and sanitation training, which focused on healthy practices such as handwashing and using latrines.

"Having this opportunity to fetch water from this new well is a blessing. It will prevent us from all the suffering we were undergoing. Our children in the school will have more time to be in class. Their attention will not be divided because no one will leave the classroom to fetch water from the community," said 42-year-old teacher Foday Abubakarr Kargbo.

Mr. Kargbo drinking clean water.

"Having access to [this] safe, reliable, and sustainable water source will help me to do well in school since I will no longer leave or skip classes to fetch water from the community well. I will use that time to pay attention to my teachers during the lessons in class. All this will help me in working towards my dreams of becoming a lawyer," shared 13-year-old Abubakarr.

Abubakarr using a handwashing station.

After construction was complete, we held a dedication ceremony to officially give responsibility of the well to the school community. The ceremony concluded with celebration, singing, and dancing.

New Well

The community provided space for the drill team to store their belongings and meals for the duration of their stay. We were ready to begin drilling!

We drilled until we reached a final depth of 27 meters. The team did a soil test, bailed the well and flushed it, clearing any debris generated by the drilling process. This well has a static water level of 16 meters. Finally, we tested the water flow to ensure the well would provide clean water with minimal effort at the pump.

As the project neared completion, we built a cement platform, walls, and drainage system around the well to seal it from surface-level contaminants. The drainage system helps to redirect spilled water to help avoid standing water at the well, which is unhygienic and a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Finally, we installed the pump and conducted a water quality test. The results showed the water was fit for drinking!

School Education

First, our hygiene team trained the teachers, who then participated in training the student body with us.

We taught about proper handwashing, personal and menstrual hygiene, and healthy habits such as using latrines and maintaining a balanced diet. We discussed how disease transmission and water hygiene are crucial to community health. We emphasized the importance of maintaining and caring for the well pump and the cost recovery system.

Learning proper handwashing.

"This training has helped me to get a deeper understanding of how diseases are transmitted from one person to another. Most times in our communities we tend to attribute sickness to spiritual forces. We fail to realize that most sickness occurs due to bad hygiene practices. Imagine an entire family was affected because of open defecation and lack of hand washing," said Mr. Kargbo, quoted earlier.

Disease transmission session.

A popular session during the training was on disease transmission routes.

"During the discussion, a class five pupil shared with her friends when they were discussing about the posters. She explained that [a] couple of months ago, she suffered from severe stomach pain. At first, she thought it was her menstrual period pain. [It was] not until she went to the health facility that the result revealed she was suffering from typhoid. It was later, [that] they noticed that the sauce that was prepared at home was left uncovered in the pot. Unfortunately, a dog placed its feet into the pot without their notice," shared Field Officer Julius Sesay.

Thank you for making all of this possible!

December, 2024: Project Change at Bundulai DEC Primary School!

Thank you for your ongoing support of the well in Bundulai DEC Primary School. As we work to provide reliable water solutions, we sometimes encounter challenges that require us to adapt our plans. To ensure the community receives the best possible water source, we’ve made some necessary changes to the project. This well was originally scheduled to be a rehabilitation, but when we started, we hit clay. The decision was made to drill a new well, which will hopefully be done soon.

We’re always available to discuss these changes in more detail if you have any questions. Rest assured, your generosity is still bringing lasting water to this community. Thank you for making this impact possible.

October, 2024: Bundulai DEC Primary School Well Rehabilitation Underway!

The lack of adequate water at Bundulai DEC Primary School costs students time, energy, and health every single day. Clean water scarcity contributes to community instability and diminishes individuals’ personal progress.

But thanks to your recent generosity, things will soon improve here. We are now working to install a reliable water point and improve hygiene standards. We look forward to sharing inspiring news in the near future!

Project Photos

Project Type

Abundant water is often right under our feet! Beneath the Earth’s surface, rivers called aquifers flow through layers of sediment and rock, providing a constant supply of safe water. For borehole wells, we drill deep into the earth, allowing us to access this water which is naturally filtered and protected from sources of contamination at the surface level. First, we decide where to drill by surveying the area and determining where aquifers are likely to sit. To reach the underground water, our drill rigs plunge through meters (sometimes even hundreds of meters!) of soil, silt, rock, and more. Once the drill finds water, we build a well platform and attach a hand pump. If all goes as planned, the community is left with a safe, closed water source providing around five gallons of water per minute! Learn more here!


1 individual donor(s)