Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Water for Sierra Leone

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  Decommissioned

Project Features

Click icons to learn about each feature.

Community Profile

This project was implemented by another partner, but is now monitored and maintained by The Water Project together with Mariatu's Hope.

General Information
The well rehab was at the church in Rotifunk located in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone. The open well sits alongside a new building that houses church services and a primary school. The open well was sealed up, a base was placed and a new Afridev hand pump was installed. The community was excited to see the team come and the women made a wonderful meal of rice with sauce and fresh mangoes. Most people in the community earn a living through fishing, working at the airport, teaching, agriculture, market sellers, traders, carpenters and masons. The community helped out with the project by providing materials, food, security and labor. When the project was complete, the community established a water committee and a point person to be the caretaker of the well.

Testimony from a community member
Victoria S. Jarrett, 53 year old child welfare worker and sand/stone supplier spoke with the team about the water needs. "There is a great different between fetching water with a rope and a rubber compared to a sealed up well with a hand pump. We will not experience the sores on our hands anymore. The dirty rope will not go inside the well and no disease will enter and the sickness will stop. We’re very thankful!"

There were 58 people in attendance who prayed with the team before any work began. After the well project was complete, they gathered back around the well and dedicated it back to Daddy God. There was singing and rejoicing. The gospel was presented and the church members were present.

Hygiene Teaching
In addition to the hygiene lessons, the trainers sensitized the community on the importance of having a toilet of some sort. The variations were discussed and the community was encouraged to work together for a defecation free community. There were 29 adults who attended the training and 29 ORS spoons were distributed. Other topics included: germs/disease transmission, proper hand washing, healthy-unhealthy communities, proper care of the pump and keeping the water clean.

Project Updates

July, 2017: New Intervention Needed at Rotifunk Victory Church

The initial project in this community (seen in the reporting found on this page) is a display of our shared commitment to helping this community with first time water access. Equally as important to the community and The Water Project is ongoing support to make sure that water is reliable, day after day, year after year. This is why we monitor all our projects. Over time we’ve found that the water table has dropped in this area, limiting the intended benefit of this well. Though not common, this does happen from time to time.  

Because of our commitment to people in this community (and the lasting impact that our supporters want to make), we’ve drilled this well deeper in order to access a deeper, higher yield aquifer. This work will ensure that clean water is accessible here year round. To see that work, click here.

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.


58 individual donors
Duane & Katrina Weaver