Project Status

Project Type:  Dug Well and Hand Pump

Program: Wells for Masindi / Jinga Uganda

Impact: 150 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Sep 2015

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 11/25/2024

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is a part of our shared program with The Water Trust. Our team is pleased to directly share the below report (edited for clarity, as needed).


Jeeja I Bahati village is located along the Kampala-Gulu highway in Kigya parish, Kigumba sub-county, Kiryandongo district, whose residents depend entirely on farming with maize and cassava being the most commonly grown crops. This village has a small trading center with small retail shops and small bars that sell the locally brewed alcohol, to which residents flock every evening. During our interaction with the community, we realized that residents of this village don’t have any safe water point within the village and also don’t wash their hands after defecating in the bush since many of them lack latrines and hand washing facilities. The major source of water among residents of this village is a swamp which is said to be contaminated by feaces which residents spread  due to open defecation.

Mrs Rwolekya Royce (64 years), a large scale farmer of this village, told our social team that her fellow residents had been mobilized to collect a trip of sand, 2000 bricks and a trip of aggregates. She also pledged to host and feed the technician who will construct a shallow hand dug well in this village. This is happening because the village chairman wrote an application letter for partnership.

There will be an intensive program to provide access to clean water and sanitation in this village. The community will participate in excavating and constructing the water source. In the meantime the aim is that all households own an improved latrine. Many households do not use a latrine but use the bush. Due to the practice of open defecation, faeces are spread all over the village and contaminate open water sources. Our aim is to ensure that the community is able to live a healthy life, free of preventable waterborne diseases. We strive to work in partnership with the community to access safe clean water and improved sanitation.


The main objectives of the Sanitation and Hygiene Program are the use of latrines and to observe proper hygiene practices, as these goals are inherently connected to the provision of clean water. Open defecation, water storage in unclean containers, and the absence of hand washing at critical times are all possible contaminates to the water supply at the household level. We leverage this relationship by requiring each participating village to achieve Open Defecation Free status (defined by one latrine per household) prior to the pump installation for a shallow hand dug well. Using the immediate gratification of clean water as an impetus, helps us work towards sustainable, interdisciplinary WASH development.

The social program includes the assignment of one Community Development Officer (CDO) per village. The CDO encourages each household to build an ideal homestead that includes: a latrine with hand-washing facility, a rubbish pit, a separate structure for animals, and a drying rack for dishes.

Community Led Total Sanitation

We implement the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach with each of our village partners. The CLTS session's aim is to improve the sanitation and hygiene practices and behaviors of a village. During these sessions, village leaders naturally emerge and push the community to realize that the current practices of individual households – particularly open defecation– are not only unhealthy, but affect the entire village. CLTS facilitates a process in which community members realize the negative consequences of their current water, sanitation, and hygiene behaviors and are inspired to take action. Group interactions are frequent motivators for individual households to: build latrines, use the latrines, and demand that other households do the same


July 1, 2015

Today we delivered Technician Christopher and his helper to site. We also selected a suitable location for the project and excavation work commenced. The community has pledged total support until the end of the project.

July 13, 2015

Christopher and the community have excavated up to the water table 24 feet deep. We are now waiting for community contribution of locally available materials like sand, bricks aggregates and clay.

July 25, 2015

Due to poor recharge, excavation has continued up-to 37 feet and will continue until a sustainable water column is realized to mitigated the poor recharge. The community contribution of materials has also bee delivered and their participation is good.

July 31, 2015

Excavation is presently 54 feet and and the water column is 24 feet. The community has not lost focus and have continued to lend a hand in pursuit of a protected water source.

August 8, 2015

Excavation work has been concluded after reaching 60 feet deep. The technician on site is now bricking up the well and all extra materials due to the well depth have been delivered.

August 9, 2015

Due to the depth of this well, 4000 extra bricks and  2 trips of sand have been delivered on site and masonry work is progressing smoothly. A water column of 31 feet will counter the poor recharge rate and therefore the pump will always have enough water to discharge.

August 18, 2015

All masonry work at this site has been concluded! The well was also chlorinated, washed and covered to cure as we arrange for its installation.

September 10, 2015

Our pumps have arrived and now one is installed in Jeeja! The community is happy with their new clean water and committed to caring for the water point.

Project Updates

October, 2015: Jeeja I Bahati Well Installed and Working

We are very excited to report that, after a lot of hard work, Jeeja I Bahati has a new source of safe, clean water. After digging to a depth of 60 feet, the well has been completed and the pump is delivering safe, cold water to the community. We're sure everyone thinks the work was worth it!

We are still expecting a few more pictures from our partner in the field, but we have updated the project page with the latest details, including pictures of clean water flowing.

Thank you so much for working with us to unlock potential!

Project Videos

Project Photos

Project Type

Hand-dug wells have been an important source of water throughout human history! Now, we have so many different types of water sources, but hand-dug wells still have their place. Hand dug wells are not as deep as borehole wells, and work best in areas where there is a ready supply of water just under the surface of the ground, such as next to a mature sand dam. Our artisans dig down through the layers of the ground and then line the hole with bricks, stone, or concrete, which prevent contamination and collapse. Then, back up at surface level, we install a well platform and a hand pump so people can draw up the water easily.


Project Sponsor - Jonah Development Corp., the Schneiders