The latest on our work and those supporting it
Back in October, four members of The Water Project’s (TWP) staff attended the internationally recognized University of North Carolina (UNC) Water and Health Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. As a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) nonprofit, The Water Project always gains significant knowledge from this conference, and this year was no different. But 2023 […]
Nowadays, a quick Google search will tell you that hand-dug wells are reserved for homesteaders and historical reenactors — but that’s in the industrialized world. In sub-Saharan Africa, where people are often left to find their own water, it’s a totally different story. Hand-dug wells are still an important household source where water is not […]
On September 27, 2023, the National Government of Kenya signed a path-clearing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Water Project, a United States-based charity.
Saturday, August 26th was National Women’s Equality Day in the United States — a holiday created in 1973 to commemorate women’s right to vote. In the United States, women’s equality has made great strides, but there are still ways in which women are at a disadvantage. All inequality is worth addressing, of course. But it’s […]
Introduction: In our continuous pursuit of knowledge and improvement, The Water Project (TWP) has long relied on quarterly monitoring surveys to gather data on our water points. However, we recently embarked on a new venture by incorporating qualitative research for the first time. Our main goal was to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges […]
Let’s say you’re a school-aged child in sub-Saharan Africa (hypothetically). You don’t have piped water at home. The Water Project has just visited your community and installed a new water point, where someone comes regularly to test the water and ensure it’s safe to drink. Under the best circumstances, the water source never goes dry, […]
If more people practiced awareness regarding their household water usage, it would relieve pressure on local water resources, especially in water-stressed areas. But remembering to turn the faucet off while you brush your teeth won’t affect global policy. When you dig into the data on global water usage, you find that water is a political […]
This is another entry in a series where we answer questions we’ve received from curious donors, website visitors, and casual commenters. As we’ve said before, it can be difficult for those who have always had water piped into their homes to understand what it’s like not to have water. We haven’t needed to trek long […]
Worldwide, 26% of people (a total of 2 billion out of the world’s approximate 7.8 billion) must leave their homes to get water for their families. To say this implies a simple daily journey from A to B and back again. But while this may be the case for some water fetchers, the trip is […]
In May, I represented The Water Project (TWP) in The Hague, Netherlands with a colleague, Adam Torrey, at the All Systems Connect International Symposium. This event brought together nearly 700 professionals, policymakers, and academics from across the globe with expertise in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH); health; climate; economic development; and social justice. Throughout the […]