The latest on our work and those supporting it
Like rings that expand outwards from a drop of water in a pool, big changes start to happen once The Water Project installs a new protected water source in a community.
We talk a lot about the devastation of the water crisis here at The Water Project, trying to get the urgency of its effects across to people who might not understand. But that’s only one perspective. The other side we’re sharing today is how lives improve drastically once donors like you help bring safe, reliable […]
Life without clean water is very challenging. It has been said repeatedly that “water is life,” and without it, life can be so difficult. But how do people survive without safe and clean water? What do they do? To find answers, I met with a few people in Western Kenya currently living without clean and […]
With the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, one thing I have not heard consistently is officials encouraging communities to maintain the basic rule of hand hygiene to prevent the spread of other infectious diseases.
Worldwide, 26% of people (a total of 2 billion out of the world’s approximate 7.8 billion) must leave their homes to get water for their families. To say this implies a simple daily journey from A to B and back again. But while this may be the case for some water fetchers, the trip is […]