Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Regional Program: Western Kenya WaSH Program

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Feb 2019

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/09/2025

Project Features

Click icons to learn about each feature.

Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School does not have a reliable source of water on campus. Therefore, students must leave school in search of the water they need. Water demands at Kaiomsi Secondary are especially high because it has a dormitory where students live full time.

Students walk out past the school farm and to cross a busy road. They most often find their water at a spring in the community, which is especially crowded on the weekends. When we went there with them, we found the water trickling with very low pressure. It is clearly inadequate. In fact, we were already getting impatient because the students had many containers to fill up on our trip. It takes over 5 minutes to fill one 20-liter jerrycan.

The school kitchen has a tap attached to a water service, but the pressure there is extremely low. There are multiple times a week that the tap won't turn on at all. The tapped water in the school was installed by the county government, which is also responsible for paying the water bills. The government sometimes goes slack and the supply can be cut short for months. Sometimes, the staff gets so agitated that they walk out with the students to fill their containers at the spring, too.

There are 641 students, 31 teachers, and 21 support staff at this school. Most of the students and teachers have been treated for typhoid and amoeba. These cases start as stomach complaints which later turn out to be serious health conditions and they have to be rushed to the hospital for diagnosis.

Principal Patrick Amalemba lives on school grounds since it's a boarding school. "My stomach burns up whenever I drink water in school. It is very unfortunate that I stay in the school compound and I access the same water sources in my house," he said.

What we can do:


The boys' latrines had an awful stench and we couldn't get past the first door to check the any of other pits. Most of them are worn out and need renovations. The girls' latrines were in a better condition and clean. The students do not practice handwashing after visiting the toilets.

"I just got a little bit worried when you raised the issue of handwashing. This has opened my eyes to the other cause of stomachache cases that are always reported to the nurse," said Principal Amalemba. The illness isn't only caused by drinking dirty water, but from germs spread around due to a lack of hygiene.

Training will be held for two days. The facilitator will use PHAST (participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation), ABCD (asset-based community development), CTC (child to child), lectures, group discussions, and handouts to teach health topics and ways to promote good practices within the school. The CTC method will prepare students to lead other students into healthy habits, as well as kickstart a CTC club for the school.

Handwashing Stations

This CTC club will oversee the new facilities, such as handwashing stations, and make sure they are kept clean and in working condition. The two handwashing stations will be delivered to the school, and the club will fill them with water on a daily basis and make sure there is always a cleaning agent such as soap or ash.

VIP Latrines

Two triple-door latrines will be constructed with local materials that the school will help gather. Three doors will serve the girls while the other three serve the boys. And with a new source of water on school grounds, students and staff should have enough to keep these new latrines clean.

Rainwater Catchment Tank

A 50,000-liter rainwater catchment tank will help alleviate the water crisis at this school. The school will also help gather the needed materials such as sand, rocks, and water for mixing cement. Once finished, this tank can begin catching rainfall that will be used by the school’s students and staff.

We and the school strongly believe that with this assistance, standards will significantly improve. These higher standards will translate to better health which will unlock the potential for higher academic achievement.

Project Updates

October, 2019: Giving Update: Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School in Kenya access clean water.

There’s an incredible community of monthly donors who have come alongside you in supporting clean water at Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School. Month after month, their giving supports ongoing sustainability programs that help this school maintain access to safe, reliable water. Read more…

February, 2019: Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School Project Complete

There is a new rainwater catchment system at Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School Primary School! Students have a source of safe, clean water thanks to your support. Handwashing stations were installed so that students can clean up after using their new latrines, and students and staff have received training in sanitation and hygiene.

Rainwater Catchment Tank

Construction for this 50,000-liter rainwater catchment tank was successful!

"This is a very good project that you have brought to our school. It will help to save a lot of time for the boarding students because they used to waste a lot of time when they went to the spring to fetch water and do their laundry," said Principal Amalemba.

The Process:

Our staff and the school administration started by looking around the school to determine the best location for their new rainwater catchment tank. This needed to be the best site with good, clean roofing to catch the rainwater. Then, we cleared the site: excavating the soil within the required measurements to make level ground for the tank foundation. The foundation was cast by laying stones on level ground and then reinforcing it using steel, concrete and waterproof cement.

Both the drawing pipe as well as the washout pipe were affixed as the foundation was lain. The wall was built with ferro-cement techniques through six layers. The inner wall was plastered while rough casting was done on the outer part.

The catchment area was dug, plastered, and a staircase installed so students can easily get water from the tap.

Dome construction could begin after the superstructure had been given enough time to settle. The manhole cover was fitted, inlet pipes were connected to the roof gutters, inlet screens, ventilation pipes (breathers) and overflow pipes were all done to standard.

Once finished, the tank was given three weeks to undergo complete curing before it was cleaned and handed over to Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School, though we will continue to offer them unmatchable support as a part of our monitoring and maintenance program.

VIP Latrines

This project funded the installation of six new ventilated improved pit latrines. All of these new latrines have cement floors that are easy to use and clean. And with a rainwater catchment tank, there should be enough water to keep them clean all the time.

Handwashing Stations

Pupils can now enjoy washing their hands with soap thanks to the two handwashing stations that were delivered to their school. These new handwashing opportunities will help reduce cases of hygiene-related illness. The training on hygiene has motivated these students to share what they’ve learned with their peers at school and families at home.

New Knowledge

We worked with the principal to recruit student representatives from each grade. These students will form a child to child (CTC) student health club that will hold activities and meetings to teach their peers about what they learned.

We covered topics including:

– primary healthcare
– taking care of the new facilities
– common illnesses and their prevention
– waterborne illnesses
– CTC club activities
– dental hygiene
– handwashing

Before the facilitator demonstrated the ten steps of handwashing, she asked the participants to list the critical times when they normally wash their hands. Most of them said that they wash their hands before and after eating and after visiting the toilet. They admitted that they rarely use soap during this process. We urged them to be using soap because it is the only way that germs can be eliminated from their hands.

Participants pose for a group picture during training

Leadership and governance were also taught to equip the CTC student health club with good leadership skills as they teach the rest of the student body what they learned. The training ended with the students electing their peers to the club cabinet leadership.

"This training will help me observe higher standards of hygiene both in the school and my home kitchen. I will also make sure that I practice the ten steps of handwashing and teach them to my children back at home," said Margaret, the school cook.

"I'm looking forward to less cases of diarrhea and stomachaches."

Thank You for making all of this possible!

January, 2019: Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School Project Underway

A severe clean water shortage at Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School drains students’ time, energy, and health. Thanks to your generosity, we’re working to build a clean water point and much more.

Get to know this school through the introduction and pictures we’ve posted, and read about this water, sanitation and hygiene project. We look forward to reaching out with more good news!

Project Photos

Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!

Giving Update: Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School

October, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Yvonne Igamihi. Thank you!

Keeping The Water Promise

There's an incredible community of monthly donors who have come alongside you in supporting clean water in Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School.

This giving community supports ongoing sustainability programs that help Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School maintain access to safe, reliable water. Together, they keep The Water Promise.

We’re confident you'll love joining this world-changing group committed to sustainability!

A year after their rain tank, VIP latrines, and handwashing stations were installed, Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School looks more settled, reported our team from a recent visit.

"There are no students moving in and out of the school as compared to last year when one would find students all over trying to get to the stream [for water]. The school is well on its feet and moving forward...A good group indeed. The administration has also been able to channel water pipes from the county supply to the tank to act as a reservoir. The tank is also kept under keen lookout to ensure there are no wastages or damages," reported Field Officer Ian Nakitare.

The piped water improvement Ian mentions is a positive sign that the school is continuing to take initiative to improve their water situation whenever and however possible. Using the rain tank as storage for this water is a great step, and the security they are providing over their tank and school grounds will help to ensure a well-maintained and functional water point.

"Since the construction of the tank, we have seen lots of changes,' said School Principal Mr. Patrick Amalemba.

"First, our population has gone up by almost 50%, from 471 to 678 [students]. Other changes are in terms of performance and character...The students used to [get in trouble goofing off] while going to the stream, [but] now that we have a water source in school, none of that is heard. We've seen a lot of benefits from having a water source within the school compound and we are very grateful. Honestly, we've focused so much on what this tank has done for us that we do not see any other challenges."

Student Cynthia Anzemo at th rain tank's tap

16-year-old student Yvonne Igamihi also reflected on how these WaSH projects have impacted her time as a learner over the last year.

"I am more at peace while in school. I don't have to go to the stream every other time [I need water]. The water is also treated so now I get clean water that I am sure of. Water from the stream now sounds like poison!" Yvonne said with a laugh.

"I do not face any challenges anymore. Having the tank has really helped do away with what we used to experience."

Cynthia and Principal Amalemba at the rain tank

Navigating through intense dry spells, performing preventative maintenance, conducting quality repairs when needed and continuing to assist community leaders to manage water points are all normal parts of keeping projects sustainable. The Water Promise community supports ongoing sustainability programs that help Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School maintain access to safe, reliable water.

We’d love for you to join this world-changing group committed to sustainability.

The most impactful way to continue your support of Kaimosi Demonstration Secondary School – and hundreds of other places just like this – is by joining our community of monthly givers.

Your monthly giving will help provide clean water, every month... keeping The Water Promise.


3 individual donor(s)