Upon completion of the project, our partner in the field reports...
The team was initially approached by the community while working in another area and asked to repair their well. When the team arrived, 108 community members were utilizing and unprotected well located 3 kilometers away from the community, surface water located 1 kilometer outside the community, tube wells, and a protected hand dug well located 5 kilometers away from the community to meet all of their water needs. Because of this and the community's practice of open defecation, families were suffering from diarrhea and severe dehydration among other preventable water related illnesses During the team's stay, community members assembled a water committee or Community Base Organization (CBO) and a Women's Health Group who assisted the team with the water project whenever possible, provided any materials they had available, and guarded the team's equipment during the night. There are other NGOs working in this area. Before leaving the community, the team provided the water committee with a Living Water Burkina Faso contact number in case their well were to fall into disrepair, or become subject to vandalism or theft.
Using the Living Water Traditional Method, the team addressed: Germs, Hand Washing - Proper Techniques and Water Saving Methods, Proper Care of Pump and Keeping the Water Clean.
The Living Water Burkina Faso team had an opportunity to meet with forty-five year old community member and farmer, Amaole Nakanabo, who stated, "Here it is, we are pleased to welcome you in our village. We are in a crisis of potable water, everyone in the village of Bile. We had to use one hand dug well or another protected hand dug well that would dry up quickly. We are many people to use these hand wells with so many of our neighboring villages like Kafougue and Tankiedogou who pull water there also. But today is a great day for us because we have received this team who has come to our aide. We want to thank them very much for what they have done for us to end this water crisis in our village. We are very proud of this. Thanks a lot!"