The original request for this project read...
"A village situated in 50 kilometers eastern direction from Trichirapalli headquaters. In the Adi Dravidar Street there are 80 dalit families with a population of 400. Most of them are landless agricultural laborers eke out a living on daily wages. There is no drinking water facility in their area. There is an overhead water tank in the area where the caste people live. But as these 80 families live in the tail end of the village, no public taps are provided to these families for consumption of drinking water. People of these families draw water from the nearby agricultural pond which is highly polluted and unsafe. The whole village community have approached DPWA to provide one deep bore well cum hand pump which will help these 80 families with a total population of 400 to have access to safe and protected drinking water 24 hours a day."
Our implementing partner wrote, following their visit to the new well...
"We drove up to this project after our dedications in Poondi and low and behold right next to the road was a large banner on poles with a picture of me and Father Dhana along with all those on a village level responsible for bringing water to this area.
Quite the sign to say the least and underneath this was our water project.
The people are very gracious and deserving of our help and it was reported to us that the upper caste people force them to use water from the fields as there are no public taps in their area for their use because they are considered Untouchables."