Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jul 2012

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 02/13/2025

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's well rehabilitation program. The following project details are direct from BWP, and have been edited of clarity:  

 The project is a community hand dug well. The community number 40 households, and there is also a mosque closely which will benefit from the supply. The hand pump was dug in 1989 and fitted with a NIRA pump. After many years its parts wore out, and since the NIRA pump i no longer on the market it was not being possible for the community to replace them. As a result the community members broke the well pad so as to fetch water from the well. This has proved to be dangerous to children who fetch water from the well since it is open wide.

The community members told Bridge Water Project that the hand pump was stolen because the water committee in charge was not stable and that funds collected from the well were misused. Women from the community struggle to lift water from the well using a rope and bucket. They expressed their strong desire for the well to be rehabilitated so as to ease their daily task of collecting water from the well.

It is vital to rehabilitate the bore hole so as to enable the community to access quality water since the current status of their bore hole doesn’t guarantee the quality of water and safety of the consumers, especially young children.

There is a water user committee already in place, but BWP will integrate training on management practices as well as hygiene and sanitation promotion into this project implementation.  

We're just getting started, check back soon!

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.