This project is part of IcFEM's WaSH program, which includes multiple water source schemes as well as substantial community level hygiene promotion, and training on project operation and maintenance.
What follows is a brief project outline direct from our partner:
Mateleni spring is situated in Sangalo location of Bungoma County. The area has favourable weather conditions with the population relying mainly on agriculture to earn a living.
Water is among the major problems in the area as women and children walk long distances in search of the golden resource. This has reportedly slowed down development in the region as a lot of time and resources are wasted in the process. Piped water has not spread in many parts of the area leaving most families with only one option – the distant unprotected natural water sites.
Mateleni spring is well positioned in the area and therefore attempts to improve on the source will relieve the surrounding villages and schools from the burden of water problems. The community is willing and able to partner with IcFEM to help raise available resources and protect their spring.