This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them edited for clarity:
Bumia Primary School is a day mixed primary school offering primary education as from nursery to standard eight. During the year 1987 Kenya Finland Company (KEFINCO) dug a well for the school and community. The well was cased by concrete casings of 1 metre diameter form bottom to the surface, covered by concrete slab and a NIRA pump was installed and served for quite a long time. It eventually got spoilt and due to lack of spare parts it became of no use and it became difficult for the pupils to draw water from the well despite the fact that the well has plenty of water.
The current water source is an unprotected stream 1km away from the school. Pupils have to cross the road and walk throughout sugarcane plantations whereas the quality of water is not good. It recorded a turbidity value of 80 which is below the required standard.
The school has a population of 847 pupils, 22 teachers and 3 non teaching staff who are direct beneficiaries of this water supply.
The sanitation and hygiene status of the school is poor since classrooms and toilets are only washed on Fridays. Also there are no hand washing points for both teachers and students.
The Bumia Primary school pupils, teachers and the community around the school will be the beneficiaries.
There’s need to rehabilitate the Bumia Primary school well by installing the new pump so as to stop pupils from crossing the road which might be dangerous sometimes, also to uphold the security of the girl child. It is not safe for young girls to walk through sugarcane plantations while looking for water. Rehabilitating the well will enable the school and the entire community to continue enjoying the quality water from the well for the improvement of their health.
The school has School Infrastructure Committee (SIC) which will be strengthened by BWP staff during community education so as understand the better ways of managing their water supply for sustainability.