Project Status

Project Type:  Well Rehab

Program: Well Rehab in Kenya

Impact: 315 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jan 2014

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 01/28/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

This project is part of Bridge Water Project's program in Western Kenya. What follows is direct from them:


The proposed Sikhokoro water project is a community well that was drilled in 2005. A Kenyan local known as Father Kizito who is a priest of the Catholic Church sponsored the well. His aim was to provide clean and safe water for the community since he had experienced firsthand as a child the problems of water in this community. The well was fitted with an afridev pump. However during the post-election violence period in 2007 unknown people vandalized the pump.


The community currently gets water from the Lewa stream which is 1km away from these community members.


This community has a population of 45 households with each homestead having approximately 7 persons.


The Hygiene and sanitation of the community is not good. The animals do not have an enclosed shed but are left to wander around family homesteads thus making the homesteads very dirty.  Some do not have cloth lines or utensil racks to keep clothes and dishes away and clear of the animals that roam freely.


If rehabilitated, the well will serve the entire community members of Sikhokoro.


BWP has seen the need to rehabilitate the well so as to provide safe and clean water for the community. BWP staff also aims to sensitize the community on the importance of living in a clean environment by holding a participatory training in PHAST and CLTS at the community level. A focus on the importance of household latrines will also be emphasized to avoid the spread of water bourne diseases. 


Presently no water committee exists amongst community members, however BWP staff has already planned to hold training with community leaders to ensure that a committee is formed, so monitoring of the condition of the well can be maintained. BWP will conduct this training before the rehabilitation of the well.

Project Updates

July, 2020: COVID-19 Prevention Training Update at Sikhokoro Community

Our teams are working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us in our fight against the virus while maintaining access to clean, reliable water.

We are carrying out awareness and prevention trainings on the virus in every community we serve. Very often, our teams are the first (and only) to bring news and information of the virus to rural communities like Sikhokoro, Kenya.

We trained community members on the symptoms, transmission routes, and prevention of COVID-19. Due to public gathering concerns, we worked with trusted community leaders to gather a select group of community members who would then relay the information learned to the rest of their family and friends.

We covered essential hygiene lessons:

- Demonstrations on how to build a simple handwashing station

- Proper handwashing technique

- The importance of using soap and clean water for handwashing

- Cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces including at the water point.

We covered COVID-19-specific guidance in line with national and international standards:

- Information on the symptoms and transmission routes of COVID-19

- What social distancing is and how to practice it

- How to cough into an elbow

- Alternative ways to greet people without handshakes, fist bumps, etc.

- How to make and properly wear a facemask.

During training, we installed a new handwashing station with soap near the community’s water point, along with a sign with reminders of what we covered.

Due to the rampant spread of misinformation about COVID-19, we also dedicated time to a question and answer session to help debunk rumors about the disease and provide extra information where needed.

We continue to stay in touch with this community as the pandemic progresses. We want to ensure their water point remains functional and their community stays informed about the virus.

Water access, sanitation, and hygiene are at the crux of disease prevention. You can directly support our work on the frontlines of COVID-19 prevention in all of the communities we serve while maintaining their access to safe, clean, and reliable water.

Project Photos

Project Type

Well rehabilitation is one of the most cost effective ways to bring clean, safe water to a community.  Sometimes it involves fixing a broken hand pump, other times it means sealing a hand dug well to prevent it from being contaminated.  These repairs, and often time total replacements, coupled with sanitation and hygiene training make a huge impact in communities.


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