Our implementing partner reports...
The FAWE (Forum for African Women's Education) Girl's School has been forced to send a pickup truck several times a day to supply water for their students. Each student is allotted two liters of water they are to ration throughout the day. This water has to stretch from washing their uniform, to cleaning their bodies, to drinking. They have not had enough water, until now. When the team arrived community members and school students were suffering from dysentery, malaria, diarrhea and severe dehydration because of the serious water deficiency in their area. During the team's stay, community members assisted by providing labor for the team during the day and security over the water project during the night. Before leaving the community, the team provided community member, Charles Karamaga, with a LWI Rwanda contact number in case their well were to fall into disrepair, become subject to vandalism or theft.
The team had an opportunity to meet with thirty-one year old community member and head teacher, Charles Karamaga, who stated, "The old water was too expensive because it was being brought to the school in a pickup
and couldn't satisfy the needs of this girl's school. It was also dirty as it came from the lake without being treated. This new water inside our compound will drastically reduce the cost and now it is clean as it comes from unpolluted grounds."
LWI Rwanda team member, Philip Rukamba, shared an introductory hygiene lesson with community members at the well site. During the hygiene education, which follow-up education will take place quarterly, the following principle issues were addressed: Disease transmission, Germs, Hand Washing- proper techniques and water saving methods, Healthy Unhealthy Communities, Oral Rehydration Solution, Proper care of the pump, Keeping the water clean, Tippy Tap- simple hand washing devise, Good-bad hygiene behaviors, Disease Transmission Stories and Dental Hygiene.