Upon completion of the project, our partner in the field reports...
Community Details
"We had been going down that valley and into the streams for domestic water. We hadn’t had any hope for clean water in our village." The remains of attempted and failed, unsecured water points served as a constant reminder of their hopeless situation. Consumed by seemingly despondent desires for safe water, the 208-family community of Mayunzwe Village walked day after day with their jerry cans and their children to collect brown water from a stream that was shared with livestock and neighboring villages. Unable to secure safe water on their own, but knowing safe water was essential to having good health and for initial community development, community leaders sought help from the Living Water Rwanda team, while the team was securing safe drinking water for a neighboring village.
When Living Water Rwanda responded to the community’s request for water by offering a sustainable water solution to benefit their 208-family community, hope returned to Mayunzwe Village. The community gathered to offer support for the Living Water drill team and assembled a five-person Water Committee that assisted the team with the project by providing any materials they could afford to offer. With support from the Water Committee and the local Catholic, Protestant and Adventist churches, a 45-meter-deep borehole was secured and now provides uninterrupted access to safe drinking water! Not only does this improved water point support health and community development, it also supports the idea of hope—hope that comes with knowing Jesus Christ.
Together, the Catholic, Protestant and Adventist churches joined with Living Water Rwanda to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. These churches, different in denomination, but alike in spirit, reminded the people of Mayunzwe Village of power that exists in the form of hope. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11, New International Version). The love and hope of Jesus was shared with 120 people (30 men, 40 women and 50 children) that now have water to sustain both their physical and spiritual thirsts.
Hygiene Promotion
Health and sanitation training, in Mayunzwe Village, was conducted by a group of five Community Health Club (CHC) facilitators comprising of Ruhango District Health officials who were undergoing a CHC training of trainers course with Living Water Rwanda. There were 34 people that attended and benefited from the following lessons: disease transmission, germs, hand washing-proper techniques and water saving methods, good-bad hygiene behaviors, disease transmission stories, clean hands clean hearts, tippy tap, proper care of the pump, community mapping-identifying hygiene behaviors and keeping the water clean. To share these principle, life-saving hygiene and sanitation lessons, the Living Water team used the Living Water Traditional Method, which is a participatory method to help community members discover ways to improve their hygiene and sanitation choices and implement community driven solutions. After the hygiene and sanitation lessons concluded, the community constructed tippy taps (a simple hand washing device) for single household use. With support from the Living Water team, the community also constructed a pit latrine with a slab for single household use, which, with the sole use of this facility coupled with an improved water point, will help reduce the spread of disease in Mayunzwe Village.