Project Status

Project Type:  Rainwater Catchment

Program: Kenyan Rainwater Harvesting

Impact: 500 Served

Project Phase:  In Service - Jul 2015

Functionality Status:  Functional

Last Checkup: 02/15/2025

Project Features

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Community Profile

Background Information

 Lureko Primary School is located in Mwibwi village, Matawa Sub Location, Lureko location, Mumias central Ward, Mumias Sub County, Mumias constituency, Kakamega County. The community members started the school in year 1958. One of the members donated the land for the school.

 The school has a population of 1420 pupils, 671 for boys, 749 for girls. ECD has a total population of 200 pupils, 99 boys, and 101 girls. The total number of teachers is 30, out of which 28 are employed by TSC, 19 Female, 9 male, 4 PTA all are female and one is on attachment (internship).  They have 4 support staff, 2 watchmen and 2 cooks.  (Editor's Note: While this many people may have access on any given day, realistically a single water source can only support a population of 350-500people.  This community would be a good candidate for a second project in the future so adequate water is available. To learn more, click here.)

The main source of water in the school is the kefinco borehole, which was installed in the school compound for the community before the land was donated to school. So the community still uses the same Kefinco borehole and now it has become a challenge to the school. The school can’t stop the community to use the water and there is that congestion at the Kefinco bore hole, which is causing the pupils to waste a lot of time to fetch water for use in the school for cleaning, and drinking.

The school has a total of 26 VIP latrines and one urinal pit, out of which 2 are for teachers, 12 for boys and 12 for girls. Pupils’ latrines are temporarily made of iron sheets. The latrines are not enough compared to the school population. This has resulted to pupils wasting a lot of time queuing (lining up and waiting) during break time.

The school also has no hand washing facilities for the pupils. Many pupils admitted that they do not wash their hands after toilet use since the available water they bring from home are reserved for drinking and use by the teachers.

Mobilization Process of the Community

 Baseline information was collected for Lureko Community in Kakamega County.

From the information collected, it was evident that the school did not have access to safe drinking water.

In the majority of primary schools in Kakamega county children spend a lot of time fetching water from water sources like rivers and springs which in most cases are unprotected therefore prone to contamination.

After the baseline surveywas conducted in Lureko Primary School by the WASH team, it was evident that the schools lacked safe water. Sanitation in most of the schools on the other hand was also a challenge. Therefore there was urgent need  to help the schools so that the pupils can access safe drinking water and better sanitation facilities.

The mobilization process was then conducted in the project area and in attendance were the community members including parents, school board of management,local adminstration and WEWASAFO staff. During the mobilization process, PRA representatives were selected.

The PRA process

The process was conducted with an aim of ensuring that the resource people had relevant skills of appraising the projects in the community. This is in terms of good leadership,  participatory monitoring and evaluation.

Mapping of the community resources was done to assist the community members in identifying the locally available resources within their community and contribute the same towards the project. When the community contributes what it can, this helps in ensuring ownership and sustainability of the project.

Mobilization of the locally available materials

Before supply of the hard ware materials, the school and the community had to avail the locally available materials. They availed the materials needed on time paving way for the delivery of the hardware materials.Their contribution for the school tank and latrines including: sand, ballast, hard core and local hand made bricks.

The school and community calendar (note: when school is open and closed and when community members are planting or harvesting) was also done in order to effectively plan for the project implementation


Construction Process

Ground breaking  June 2 2015

 The project of RWHT Lureko primary school, began on the 1st week of June, 2015 with the Ground Breaking Ceremony by the Minister for Gender, Youth, Sports and Social Servises (Kakamega County)- Retired Major Sumba.

The ceremony was very successful. Many of the parents, teachers, pupils, local adminisration and the member of County assembly participated and celebrated the beginning of this project, which means so much for the school children.

June 4th 2015

The construction of rainwater harvesting tank and 2 double doors VIP latrines began on 4th June, 2015. The process began with the digging and laying of the foundation. This was followed by slab laying and setting the formwork for both the water tank and VIP latrine. Construction of the tank is at 40% completion stage while the construction for the EcoSan toilet is at 35%. The work is going on well without any problem.

June 10th 2015

Construction of the tank is at 90% completion stage while the construction for the VIP latrine is at 95%. The construction work is going on well without any major issues.


Challenges during project implementation

The heavy rains that came in within the month have made roads impassable. The WASH team goes to the field early in the morning so as to maximize on the time before the rains come.


Implementation of the Wash trainings

The school health and hygiene training has been conducted in Lureko Primary using the Child to Child (CTC) and Children Health and sanitation training (CHAST) methodologies.The concept of community led total sanitation was also introduced.

Training on operation and maintenance of the ferro cement water tank and VIP was also done.

The main objective of the school health trainings was to equip the participants with relevant skills on establishment health and hygiene clubs in schools. These clubs will be charged with responsibility of promoting good health and hygiene practices in the school and entire community.

In Lureko primary school, a total number of 17 people attended, with representation of the deputy head teacher and his 3 teachers (2 female and 1 male),2 school management committee representatives ,8 pupils (2 boys and 6 girls) and 3 WASH staff.


Handing Over July 15 2015.

The handing over of the rain water harvesting tank and latrines was done while the Program Director was visiting Kenya and got a chance first hand to see the completed work and officially hand over the project. There were hundreds of kids waiting at the school upon arrival and we were all greeted with a welcoming song from the students. It was well after official school hours, but the students waited as they had wanted to see the visitors and be part of the ceremony.  We had children drink water from the taps of the tank and we officially opened the latrines as well as the hand washing stations.




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Project Type

For a rainwater collection system, we build gutters around a building with good, clean roofing to channel rain where we want it. From there, the water falls through a filtered inlet pipe into a high-capacity storage tank, the size of which is based on population and average rainfall patterns. In the tank, water can be stored for months, where it is easily treated and accessed. Learn more here!