Invested in leadership.

We equip, train and fund local NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) with an established in-country presence who can help provide reliable access to clean water and ensure its maintenance over time.


We come alongside every partner and help them develop programs that meet the needs of their neighbors. We listen first, and offer what we know with humility.


Tools and technology allow our small teams to do far more then they could otherwise. But, these tools never get in the way of relationship and respect.


With partners and teams around the world, we're able to spread learning and best practices quickly. All of us can then work together toward lasting solutions.

Your Support = Local Solutions.

People - not hardware - are at the center of everything we do. Your giving meets the tangible needs of families and creates local jobs, all while respecting those we serve.

Appropriate water projects, not just wells.

We work hard to make sure that a community's needs are always considered first. Local experts in the field help ensure that happens. With your support, we are able to provide support and expertise for various water solutions.

We listen for our local teams's lead in choosing the right type of water project for a particular community or school. Far too often, "default" technologies like a handpump are being installed because of misguided assumptions, only to end up rejected or abandoned by a community.

We've also learned that a water project must be reliable, convenient and safe and that requires careful consideration alongside each community.

We work with local experts and the community to determine the right technology to provide clean, safe water at each site. And we'll make sure it keeps working over time.

The Water Project Process

Our approach is thorough, collaborative, and focused on long-term sustainability. Here's how we work to bring clean water to communities:

  1. Community Engagement

    We begin by listening. Our local partners engage with community members to understand their unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. This collaborative approach ensures that the water project aligns with the community's goals and culture, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment from the very start.

  2. Community Education

    Knowledge is power. We provide comprehensive education on hygiene, sanitation, and proper water management. Through interactive workshops and training sessions, we empower communities with the skills and understanding needed to maximize the benefits of their new water source and maintain long-term health improvements.

  3. Project Installation

    With a solid foundation of community engagement and education, we move forward with the physical implementation. Whether it's drilling a well, constructing a sand dam, or installing a rainwater catchment system, our team of experts ensures that the chosen solution is implemented with the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

  4. Handover and Follow-up

    The moment water flows is just the beginning. We conduct thorough follow-up education and officially hand over the project to the community. This critical phase includes establishing local water committees, training on maintenance, and ensuring that the community has the tools and knowledge to manage their new water source independently.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation

    Our commitment doesn't end with installation. We implement robust monitoring and evaluation systems to track the project's impact, functionality, and community satisfaction over time. This data-driven approach allows us to provide support where needed, learn from each project, and continually improve our methods for future initiatives.

Integrity and Transparency

Counting the true cost of a water project
Jerry cans at a well

We believe deeply in end-to-end transparency and accountability. That means not only showing every outcome, but also being honest about every cost.

Anyone can dig a hole. Anyone can attach a pump. But making sure a water project is sustainable and reliable takes time, expertise and a commitment to honest evaluation. The Water Project funds full life-cycle project costs, from here to the field and into the future. We demand our partners disclose the true costs of installing and maintaining a water point, as best they can.

We know that claims of "low cost" wells or "life-time" access to water for $20 a person are just that... claims. Everyone knows the costs are higher and the outcomes less certain. Claims to the contrary cheapen the work and ultimately disrespect the communities being served.

In addition to revealing true project costs, we also provide realistic assessments of the number of people a given water project can truthfully benefit. Quoting a general population count, instead of more realistic usage figures, inflates perceived impact and may actually discourage further necessary investments. Our goal is to see water available and reliable in an entire area.

Transparency and accountability are about making a commitment to serving others first, with excellence. Done right, our supporters always benefit as well.

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