The latest on our work and those supporting it
For years, handwashing has been one of the most critical and simple acts anyone can do to reduce the transmission of diseases, including diarrhea and infectious diseases such as flu, Ebola, H1N1 influenza, and now COVID-19. Before the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, handwashing has been one of the best ways to prevent the spread […]
This is another entry in a series where we answer questions we’ve received from curious donors, website visitors, and casual commenters. As we’ve said before, it can be difficult for those of us who have always had water piped into our homes to understand what it’s like not to have water. We haven’t needed to […]
This is the first entry in a series where we answer questions we’ve received from curious donors, website visitors, and casual commenters. As we’ve said before, it can be difficult for those of us who have always had water piped into our homes to understand what it’s like not to have water. We haven’t needed […]
Sometimes, helping someone can be easy. You see someone struggling to carry something through a doorway? You hold the door or help them with their burden. Being out and about in the world, we encounter lots of small situations with simple, cut-and-dry solutions. But sometimes, it’s difficult to know the solution to a problem if […]
Earlier this month, scientists and researchers gave notice that “rapid, deep, and immediate” cuts in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are needed to mitigate the effects of climate change. Their report for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was a dire warning but was clear that there are actions to take to protect our planet. […]
Water is everywhere, but you often can’t see it. We are reminded of that fact in marking World Water Day 2022. This year’s theme is about the importance of groundwater. Its tagline is: “Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere.” Groundwater is a significant source of drinking water around the world. It is […]
The global water crisis disproportionately affects women and girls. According to joint publications by the United Nations and World Health Organization, women and girls are responsible for collecting water in 80 percent of households without water on-premises. Lack of access to clean water literally puts the lives of women at risk. Some 1 million deaths […]
Shortly after I started my job at The Water Project, I met with The Water Project’s founder Peter Chasse, who sat all the new employees down to explain The Water Project’s story, mission, and values. “If you want to tackle any other global problem, it begins with access to water,” Peter said. “There’s something about water. […]
It’s hard for those who live in countries with (relatively) reliable infrastructure to consider water a finite resource. The world is covered in water, after all. Water comes from the tap whenever you turn it on. Scientists are working on more efficient ways of taking the salt out of saltwater so we can drink it. The problem […]
Clean, reliable water is transformative. Look no further than Livaha Spring in Lukala B community in Western Kenya. People from neighboring Lukala B and Lukala C communities share Livaha Spring as a place to collect water. The natural spring provides ample water throughout the year. To make it easier to collect water, community members improvised […]