Water Matters

The latest on our work and those supporting it

Communication: One of the Best Keys to Unlocking Potential

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024by Jamie Heminway

One of the founding principles of The Water Project (TWP) was that anyone who helped create a water project should be able to ask questions about how that project is doing, even years after its implementation.  Nowadays, anyone who funds a water project through us can log in, even years afterward, to ensure the water […]


Water is Sacred 

Wednesday, December 27th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

Just think, for a moment, of how important water is in your life. You need to drink water every day to stay alive. You need water to clean your body, brush your teeth, wash your hands, and dispose of waste inside and outside your body. Water is hugely important, and even imagining life without water […]


A Feel-Good Look Back: How Water Improved Health in 2023

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

We talk a lot about the devastation of the water crisis here at The Water Project, trying to get the urgency of its effects across to people who might not understand. But that’s only one perspective. The other side we’re sharing today is how lives improve drastically once donors like you help bring safe, reliable […]


What Makes the Kenyan Season of Goodwill Last All Year Long?

Friday, December 15th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

In her blog from earlier this year, Kenyan staff member Catherine Chepkemoi shared her experience living without clean water for so long. During this time, she needed help to afford higher education and, later, to build a home. Her community — including her friends, neighbors, and coworkers — helped her realize those dreams through a […]


Dedicated Donors: Natalie Makes Giving a Family Initiative!

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

Multi-generational anything is good in our book. Whether that is passing along the recipe for Grandma’s holiday cookies or passing on traditions and life lessons, inspiring our children is a gift and an honor to parents and other family members. Values such as caring for others and giving are also often a family affair! We […]


The Water Project Made Waves at the UNC Water and Health Conference 2023

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

Back in October, four members of The Water Project’s (TWP) staff attended the internationally recognized University of North Carolina (UNC) Water and Health Conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. As a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) nonprofit, The Water Project always gains significant knowledge from this conference, and this year was no different. But 2023 […]


Once You Give Water, They Bring the Change: The Idea Behind Our Giving Tuesday Stories

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

When brainstorming ideas for our upcoming Giving Tuesday campaign way back in June, I asked a question. What if our donors could actually see a few examples of what extraordinary things can happen once they help people gain access to water? 


Thankful for a Dark Uniform: What People Without Clean Water are Grateful For

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023by Jamie Heminway

With so much being said about gratitude in today’s world, it’s hard for those of us who stand on a sturdy physiological foundation without much fear of it crumbling to imagine what it would be like to conduct our everyday lives without it.


Even in the Modern Era, Hand-Dug Wells Can Still Be the Best Choice

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

Nowadays, a quick Google search will tell you that hand-dug wells are reserved for homesteaders and historical reenactors — but that’s in the industrialized world. In sub-Saharan Africa, where people are often left to find their own water, it’s a totally different story. Hand-dug wells are still an important household source where water is not […]


The Stories We Tell at a Storytelling Conference

Monday, November 13th, 2023by Jamie Heminway

When I started at The Water Project (TWP) in 2021, I was a Program Services Reporting Officer — one of the people who writes and compiles the reports our donors get about their specific project(s) when they give. I carefully crafted my bio for our website, writing, “Jamie is a storyteller by nature.” Then, in […]